Setting the Editor Colors Preferences

To change the appearance of the record editor, select Edit | Preferences from the menu bar. The Login can edit preferences option enables these menu commands.

The Editor Colors tab offers the following options for setting the colors used in the record editor.

When you first open the Editor Colors tab, the default colors is selected. To specify a different combination of foreground and background colors, clear the default option. For the type of text element that displays in the editor (for example Default text or MARC tag), do the following:

  1. To change the color of the text, double-click the Foreground color square for the text element. In the Choose a Color dialog box, select a color from the Swatches tab, the HSB tab, or the RGB tab .
  2. To change the background color for the text element, double-click the Background color square and select a color from the Choose a Color dialog box.
    The Preview section displays your color choices.
  3. To return the colors that were selected before you made current changes, select Reset.
  4. Select OK.

You can reset the editor to the default colors by selecting the Use default colors option in the Editor Colors tab.

See Also:
Changing the Colors
Administering User Preferences