Copying Records
Index Options
If you are set up to copy authority records but are unable to copy records to MESH, Genre, or any other custom index used by authority records, contact the Help Desk to set up additional index options.
You can create a new record by copying an existing record through the edit display. You can then modify the new record, retaining or discarding data as desired. You can copy any of the following types of records:
- bibliographic
- item
- authority
- order
- holdings (checkin)
- course
If your library has acquired the Program Registration product, you can also copy program and section records.
To copy a record:
- Retrieve the record you want to copy and open it in the Sierra Editor.
- Choose Edit | Copy Record.
If you have not set a default template for the record type you are copying (under Admin | Settings | New Records | New Record Templates), a list of templates appears. Select a template from the list and choose Select. The new record opens and you can add or remove data.
If you already have set a default template for records of this type, the new record opens automatically.
- Enter data into the new record, and then choose Save.