Mobile Worklists App Interface

Most screens in the Mobile Worklists App enable multiple actions. Application screens include:

Sign In

The Sign In screen is where you sign in and authenticate the device against the Sierra platform.


You can customize the home screen using the Home Screen Editor settings.

After you sign in to the app, the Home screen appears. From this screen, you can:

My Lists

The My Lists screen lists all the worklists you have created in Mobile Worklists or imported from Sierra. Next to each list is the date and time the list was last updated. The time appears in either 12-hour or 24-hour format depending on the time setting on the device.

From this screen, you can:

You can also select a list to see the items in the list.

Items in List

When you tap a list on the My Lists screen, Mobile Worklists displays the items in that list. The top entry (which appears in gray text) displays the list's full name, number of items in the list, and creation date and time. The time appears in either 12-hour or 24-hour format depending on the time setting on the device.

For each item in the list, the following information appears:

Refreshing My Lists

To refresh the list details, swipe (pull) down on the list.

From this screen, you can:

You can also tap an item to go to the Item Detail screen. To go to the Sorting screen and change the sorting rules, tap .


Use the Sorting screen to change the sort order of items in a list. The Sort List by Descending toggle button changes the sort from ascending to descending. You can tap the sorting rules in the order in which you want them applied. When two or more sorting rules are selected, you can slide a rule up or down to change the sort order.

Sorting rules include:

Item Detail

Note that the API version affects the item details that appear on this screen. The item details visible to you in the app might differ from the fields listed below.

The Item Detail screen is where you can see details for an item in a list. The field labels reflect your library's customization and language preferences. If a field is empty in the item record, it does not display on the Item Detail screen.

From the Item Detail screen you can:

Item details include:

From this screen, you can:

Import a List

After you choose to import a list from the Add a list option, the Import a List screen displays a list of review files from your Sierra system that you can import. After Mobile Worklists imports the list you choose, you can add items using the Scan screen.

All subsequent list-building actions occur in the List details screen.

Select a List

After you choose the items to move from a list, the Select a List screen appears where you select the destination list or create a new list to which you want to move the items.

Create a New List

The Create a New List screen appears when you have selected items to move from a list, tap Create a New List, or tap Select. When you type a name for the new list and tap OK, the new list contains the moved items.


The Scan screen allows you to add an item to a list by doing one of the following:

If the message Cannot Scan Barcodes appears, go to the device's settings and allow the Mobile Worklists app to access the camera.

Mobile Worklists supports the following barcode formats:

If your library uses a different barcode format, please contact Innovative.

By default, Mobile Worklists uses Continuous Scanning, which means that you can scan one item barcode after another and remain on the Scan screen until you tap Done. If you disable Continuous Scanning on the Settings screen, the app returns to your list after each item barcode is scanned.


The Settings screen appears when you tap Settings on the Home screen. This screen provides information about the app and offers multiple options for controlling the behavior of Mobile Worklists. See Viewing and Setting Options for more information.