Getting Started with Mobile Worklists
Installing the Mobile Worklists App
Signing in to Mobile Worklists
Installing the Mobile Worklists App
The Mobile Worklists app is available from the Apple® App Store and from Google Play. Search for "iii mobile worklists" and follow the device's instructions to download and install the app.
The app notifies you when an update is available. In most cases, you must have the current version of the app in order to sign in to the system.
Signing in to Mobile Worklists
To start and sign in to the app:
- Tap the Worklists icon on the device to start the app. The Sign In screen appears.
- If this is the first time you are signing in to the Mobile Worklists app, tap Site Code and enter your library's site code. The next time you sign in, Site Code does not appear on the Sign In screen. After signing in, you can clear the current site code on the Options screen and sign in again with a different site code.
- Enter your username and password.
- (Optional) You can slide the Remember my username button to the right to retain your username for subsequent sessions.
- (Optional) You can tap Clear Site Code if you have signed in to the Mobile Worklists app before and want to change the site code. Tap Clear Site Code again to confirm the change or Cancel to cancel the change. When you clear the site code, you must sign in to the app again and enter the new site code. If you do not know the site code, check with your library's Sierra platform administrator.
- Tap Sign in to begin creating or editing worklists.
Changing the Site Code
If you have signed in to the Mobile Worklists app before, you do not need to enter the site code on the Sign In screen. If you want to sign in again with a different site code, you can clear the site code, which automatically logs you out of the app. When you sign in again, you must enter the new site code. If you do not know your site code, check with your Sierra platform administrator.
To change the site code:
- Open the Mobile Worklists app.
- Tap Clear Site Code on the Sign In screen. An action sheet appears at the bottom of the screen where you can confirm or cancel the action.
- On the action sheet, tap Clear Site Code again to confirm or Cancel if you decide not to change the site code.
- If you chose Clear Site Code, you are automatically signed out of the app and the Sign In screen appears.
- Sign in again using the new site code.
Viewing and Setting Options
After you have signed in, you can go to the Settings screen where you can do the following:
- Tap Sign Out to exit the application. You can then sign in as a different user from the same device or sign in again with the same username.
- Slide the Continuous Scan button to the left to disable continuous scanning.
- Slide the Autofocus button to the left to disable your camera's autofocus functionality. Disabling this feature might be necessary to scan barcodes if your camera cannot acquire focus on a barcode at a close distance.
- Tap RFID Parser Options to select the type of RFID tags your library uses. If your library uses RFID tags with binary barcodes (data encoded as a set of bytes), select Binary Data Parser. Otherwise, select Universal Barcode Parser.
- Tap the Scan sound entry to view a list of the available scan confirmation sounds. Tap a sound in the list to listen to the sound and select it. Follow your device's instructions to mute sounds or enable vibration, if available.
- Tap the Check In Options entry to select how items on a list behave upon checkin.
- Tap the Inventory Options to access the inventory feature and set the update inventory date mode.
- Tap the Item Matcher Options entry to select a match sound and create rules for item matching.
- View the Version entry, which shows you the version number of the Mobile Worklists app you are running.
- Tap the Privacy Policy entry to view Innovative’s privacy policy.
- Tap the Licenses entry to view applicable licensing information.
- Tap Home Screen Editor to customize the Home screen. These settings are saved on the device per user, but the settings are not available if the same user accesses a different device. Using these settings, you can:
- Select which features appear on the Home screen by tapping the features you want to see. Items with a check mark beside them appear on the Home screen.
- Change the order in which the features appear on the Home screen by pressing and holding the
button next to a feature and moving it to a new position. When finished, tap Done.