Accessing Circa

To access Circa, you must have the Circa application assigned to your login. See Administering Applications for more information. Note that SDA Context Users cannot access Circa.

You can access Circa from a handheld device with Internet access or from a web browser. To access and use all the Circa applications, see:

Accessing Circa from a Web Browser
Accessing Circa Functions
Using Circa: General Functionality
Toggling Between Barcode and RFID Versions
Exiting Circa

Accessing Circa from a Web Browser

In Sierra 5.2 and later, Circa redirects all incoming connections to HTTPS so that no data passes via HTTP.

You can access Circa from a web browser. The URL you use depends on whether you are using a secure connection or not.

Using a Secure Connection

If you want to make a secure connection, enter the following URL.

https://<your site's IP address>/iii/airwkst

For more information on secure connections and SSL certificates, see the Sierra SSL Overview on CSDirect.

Not Using a Secure Connection

If you want to make a connection that is not secure, enter the following URL.

http://<your site's IP address>/iii/airwkst

Accessing Circa Functions

To access a Circa function from your wireless device or web browser:

  1. Start Circa. The Welcome screen appears and prompts you to sign in.
  2. Enter a login and password. Circa displays the home page, which links to the functions for which your login is assigned permission. For example:

  1. Select the function you want to access. For more information on working within each function, see:
  1. To sign out from Circa, click the Logout icon at the top right.

Toggling Between Barcode and RFID Versions

If your library has purchased both the barcode and RFID versions of Circa, you can toggle between versions from the Home screen.

When you sign in, Circa displays the home screen for the version selected by your library as the default version. The home screen displays the name of the current version and a toggle button to change to the other version. For example, if the barcode version is the default, click the RFID toggle button to switch to the RFID version:

Click the barcode toggle button to switch from the RFID version back to the barcode version:

To change your library's default version of Circa, contact Innovative.

Using Circa: General Functionality

The following applies to all Circa functions:

Some browsers block websites from automatically playing sounds. If you do not hear the beeps above, you might need to change the settings in your browser.

For more information, see Possible Messages (Circa).

Exiting Circa

Exit Circa functions or your Circa session as follows:

If your Circa session times out, Circa automatically returns you to the Circa Welcome screen.

See also:
Possible Messages (Circa)