Sierra Users

Sierra recognizes two classes of user accounts:

Standard Sierra Users
Standard Sierra users log in to the Sierra Desktop with the username and password assigned by the library system administrator in Administering Authorizations and Authentication. The system grants access to all workflows and application functions granted to that user.
SDA Context Users
As an optional feature, Innovative can set up your site to allow multiple users to share a single group user account that is assigned a mix of workflows and application functions that are appropriate for a particular Sierra workstation. These group user accounts are referred to as Sierra Desktop Application Context users or SDA Context users. SDA Context users have no function permissions at all. Staff log in as an SDA Context user, and the Sierra Desktop prompts for a standard username and password. After the user responds, Sierra sets the application permissions as they are configured for the user's account. If the user attempts to run a function for which he or she does not have permission, Sierra prompts for username and password again. Another staff person who has permission to run the function can enter his or her username and password and, after the function has run, Sierra resets permissions back to those of the original user.

For example, a site might set up an SDA Context user account named circdesk1 that is assigned access to circulation-related functions. A student worker might be given a user account (e.g., dmcginty) that grants limited permission to access circulation functions (e.g., checkin and checkout are allowed but overriding fines is not). A supervisor might be given a user account (e.g., circsuper) that grants full permission to access circulation functions. The student worker first logs in as circdesk1 and then logs in as dmcginty. He or she will be able to run all functions permitted by his or her user account. If a function that requires a higher level of permissions is selected, Sierra prompts for a username and password again. The supervisor can respond with circsuper's password to allow the function to run. After the function has run, the permissions are reset to those assigned to dmcginty.

When Sierra is set up for SDA Context users:
  • The Sierra Desktop offers the Admin | Clear Permissions and Admin | Set Permissions options on the menubar. Clear Permissions rescinds all permissions, preventing all functions from running. Set Permissions causes Sierra to prompt for a standard username and password, setting function permissions to those assigned to that user. See Clearing and Resetting Permissions During Sessions for more information on these options.
  • The Sierra Administration Web Application offers specialized options when you administer basic user parameters.
See also:
Administering User Accounts
Logging In to the Sierra Desktop