Administering Workflows

The Workflows function specifies which Sierra functions are available to a user.

Editing Workflows

To edit workflows, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Authorizations and Authentication Admin from the Admin App menu.
  2. Choose Users.
  3. Click the + to the left of a listed user to expose the EDIT button.
  4. Click the EDIT button.
  5. Choose Workflows.
  6. The system presents two parallel lists, one showing workflows that the user has been assigned and the other showing workflows that the user has not been assigned.
    • To add a function, use the mouse to drag the function from the Available Workflows list to the Assigned Workflows list.
    • To remove a function, use the mouse to drag the function from the Assigned Workflows list to the Available Workflows list.

    You can view a subset of the workflows on either list by typing a pattern of three or more characters into the Filter list by typing here box.

  7. Click the SAVE button.
Importing User Parameters

You can copy the parameters of an existing user with the Import Settings function.

  1. Choose Import Settings
  2. Select the user whose parameters you want to import.
  3. Select the parameters you want to import.