Possible Messages (Circa)

This section describes some of the messages you might see when you attempt to use Circa to perform circulation tasks.

No locations served associated with login. Please log out and use a login with a locations served value.
The login used to access Circa does not have a locations served parameter. A locations served value is required to perform circulation functions in Circa.
Barcode <barcode> not found in system.
The scanned barcode does not match a barcode in the Sierra system.
Patron barcode not found in system.
The scanned barcode does not match a barcode in the Sierra system.
<#> barcodes out of range.
The indicated number of barcodes are out of the range specified for shelflist comparison.
Item <#> of <##> not detected.
The indicated item was not scanned by the RFID wand. The item might be missing from the shelf, or the RFID wand might not have detected it.
The system is unable to process the specified shelflist range; therefore, the shelflist range has been modified by the system as indicated.
Invalid shelflist range information.
Unable to set shelflist range with scanned items.
The system is unable to process the specified shelflist range. First and last items must follow these criteria:
  • The first item in the range must be listed before the last item in the range in the system's shelflist (the Call Number index).
  • The items used to specify the shelflist range must not have the same call number. For example, if the first item in the range is FIC Abbe and the last item in the range is FIC Azzula, but both items have a call number of FIC A, the system is unable to process the range.
Item has message.
The item record contains a message in either the IMESSAGE (Item Message) or the MESSAGE field (or both).
Unexpected status; pull this item for correction.
Item requires attention.
The item's status in Sierra does not match the item's actual status. For example, if the system shows that an item has a status of "missing" but you have scanned the item's barcode to update its inventory date, the item is in the library and therefore should not have a status of "missing". Use Circa or Sierra to correct the item's status.
Item does not belong to this location; use Sierra to check in.
By default, Circa is not able to check in items that must be placed in transit and therefore require a printer connection. To place the item in transit, check the item in with Sierra. To enable checkin of items that must be set in transit, enable the Circa Checkin of Items with Special Conditions feature.
Patron billed for item; use Sierra to check out.
Item reported lost and paid for by patron; use Sierra to check out.
Patron claims item returned; use Sierra to check out.
Item status is protected; use Sierra to check out.
Item is on course reserve; use Sierra to check out.
Item satisfies a hold; use Sierra to check out.
Item may satisfy a bib-level hold; use Sierra to check out.
Circa is unable to check out the item because it has a special condition. Note that if the Circa Checkin of Items with Special Conditions feature is enabled, some of these error messages do not display.
Item set in transit to <location>.
The Circa Checkin of Items with Special Conditions feature is enabled, and Circa checked in an item that must be set in transit to its owning location or a hold pickup location.
Item put on holdshelf at <location>.
The Circa Checkin of Items with Special Conditions feature is enabled, and Circa checked in an item that satisfies a hold at the current location.
Item status is BILLED and has been cleared.
The Circa Checkin of Items with Special Conditions feature is enabled, and Circa checked in a billed item.
<#> NOT checked out.
<#> NOT checked in.
Circa is unable to check the items in or out. Use Sierra to process the checkin or checkout.
Requested beginning item unavailable.
Requested end item unavailable.
The specified item is unavailable.
Circa is unable to perform the requested task.
Circa has encountered an error. Use Sierra to process your request.
Unknown error.
Circa has encountered an unknown system error. Use Sierra to process your request.
Unable to connect to Circa. All ports in use. Please try again later.
Indicates that the login with which the user is connecting to the system belongs to a group which has no more licenses available or that all licenses are in use. If some users are receiving this message consistently while other users remain able to access the system, the Concurrent max setting may need to be adjusted.