Setting Up Circa

To set up Circa, you need a wireless device(s), such as a tablet, that can connect to the Internet.

SSL security for Wireless Workstation use

Note that prior to installing the Circa product at your library, you must determine whether your library requires SSL security for Wireless Workstation use. If so, you must obtain an SSL certificate, ideally with 128-bit encryption. For more information, see the description of the <REQUIRESSL> configuration file tag in Circa Configuration File Tags.

After Innovative installs the Circa product your library has acquired, complete Circa setup as follows:

  1. Edit the Circa configuration file.
  2. Configure optional functionality as desired.

Editing the Circa Configuration File

After Innovative has installed your Circa product, open the Circa configuration file and do the following:

  1. If your library has acquired the Circa Wireless Inventory (RFID) and/or the Circa Wireless Assistant (RFID) product, set the <ENABLEFILEPROCESSING> tag to 'Y'.
  2. If you set the <ENABLEFILEPROCESSING> tag to 'Y', set the <RFIDPATHANDFILENAME> tag to the relative path and file name used by your RFID technology to store scanned barcodes. The full path of the RFID storage file has the following pattern:

http://<wireless Circa device web server address>:80/<optional directory>/<optional directory>/<filename>

Therefore, the relative path and file name you enter for the <RFIDPATHANDFILENAME> tag is everything after the port number:

/<optional directory>/<optional directory>/<filename>

For example, if your RFID technology stores barcodes in:


You enter the following as the <RFIDPATHANDFILENAME> tag value:


  1. Configure the Circa default user language with the <DEFAULTULANG> tag.
  2. Prevent Circa from modifying items with specific item statuses by adding these statuses to the <PROTECTEDITEMSTATUSES> tag.
Setting an XML Tag to False

Do not delete XML tags. The Circa configuration file must contain the XML tags as originally installed on your system.

If you do not want to enable an XML tag, set that tag to 'N' and set the subsequent related tag(s) to <blank> (i.e., no value). For example, if you do not want to enable the display of the AirPAC link, set the <DISPLAYAIRPACLINK> tag to 'N' and set the <AIRPACHOST> and <AIRPACPORT> tags to <blank>. For example:


Optional Functionality

Several Circa applications can be set up with optional functionality.

Check Out with Circa Wireless Assistant (barcode)

You can configure the Check Out function for the Circa Wireless Assistant (barcode) product with the following circulation options:

To set this functionality: Use:
Block specific types of items from checkout Item types & locs for category circulation options
Determine whether Circa enables patrons to renew items Renewals: Allowed in check-out function circulation option
Limit the item due date to the date in the EXP DATE field in the patron's record Check-out: Limit due date to expiration date circulation option

Statuses Available for Checkout

The Customize Item Statuses Available for Automated Self-Checkout feature does not apply to Circa's Check Out application.

Check In

The Circa Checkin of Items with Special Conditions feature enables you to use Circa's Check In, Shelflist, and Inventory Control applications to check in items with certain special conditions. By default, Circa does not perform any checkin for which a printer is required (for example, items that must be set in transit or placed on the holdshelf). When this feature is enabled, Circa permits the checkin of items with the special conditions listed in the table below and takes the corresponding special actions upon checkin:

Special Condition System Action
The item belongs to another location. Circa sets the item in transit to its owning location.
The item satisfies a hold at the checkin location. Circa changes the item's STATUS to '!' (ON HOLDSHELF) and generates a hold pickup notice.
The item satisfies a hold at another location. Circa sets the item in transit to the hold pickup location.
The item has a STATUS of 'n' (BILLED). Circa changes the item's STATUS to '-' and adjusts the bill.

When checking in an item with one of these conditions, Circa displays an on-screen message but does not print a hold slip, transit slip, or bill reduction receipt.

To enable Circa Checkin of Items with Special Conditions, contact Innovative.

Inventory Control

The Fine Assessment in Inventory Control for Circa feature enables your library to assess accrued fines upon checkin when using Circa's Inventory Control application in any of the Circa products.

When you use Circa's Inventory Control application to process a barcode for which the item STATUS is checked out (but for which the item is clearly in the library), Circa's Inventory Control application gives you the option to check the item in. If you check the item in, by default the system waives any fines that have accrued during the checkout period. If you want the system to assess any accrued fines against the borrower, you can request that Innovative enable the Fine Assessment in Inventory Control for Circa feature.

When the Fine Assessment in Inventory Control for Circa feature is enabled and you check in an item using any Circa Inventory Control application, the system automatically adds any accrued fines to the patron record of the most recent borrower.

Fine Assessments Apply to Inventory Control Only

The Fine Assessment in Inventory Control for Circa feature applies to Circa's Inventory Control function only. Enabling this feature does not affect checkins in any other Circa function.

See also:
Inventory Control with Circa Wireless Inventory (barcode)
Inventory Control with Circa Wireless Inventory (RFID)