Cancelled Item Is on the Holdshelf

Depending on the holdshelf model enabled at your library, set the Holds: Give precedence to local holds circulation option as follows:

  • If your library uses the Multiple Location Holdshelf model, you can set this option to either "YES" or "NO".
  • If your library uses the Automatic Status Holdshelf model, you must set this option to "NO".

When you cancel an item that is currently on the holdshelf (that is, the item's STATUS is '!'), Sierra's behavior is determined by the holdshelf model enabled at your library.

To change the holdshelf model enabled at your library, contact Innovative.

The holdshelf models above affect holds cancelled in Sierra only. If a patron uses WebPAC to cancel a hold, the system only cancels that patron's hold; it does not automatically continue the process of searching for the next patron in the hold queue.

Multiple Location Holdshelf

If your library has enabled the Multiple Location Holdshelf model, Sierra does not change the item's STATUS when you cancel an item currently on the holdshelf. Instead, the STATUS remains '!' (ON HOLDSHELF). The system can process the item only after you check in the item or clear the holdshelf.

Automatic Status Holdshelf

If your library has enabled the Automatic Status Holdshelf model and you cancel an item-level hold for an item currently on the holdshelf, the system changes the item's STATUS and determines whether the item can satisfy another hold:

Sierra can use the item to satisfy another hold only if the item's STATUS is '!' (ON HOLDSHELF) at the time of cancellation. For example, if you change the item's STATUS to 'm' (MISSING) when you cancel the hold, the system does not use the item to fill another hold.

Item Can Satisfy Hold

If the item can satisfy a hold, Sierra automatically moves the hold to the next patron and displays a message similar to the following:

Hold moved to next patron in queue
Hertzfeldt, Dan

Display Patron Contact Information for Items on the Holdshelf

If your library has had the Display Patron Contact Information for Items on Holdshelf feature enabled, the system also displays the patron's telephone and email (if your library has email) information in this message.

In response to this message, click OK. The system determines whether the current holdshelf location matches the pickup location for the next hold:

If the pickup location is at: The system:
Current location Notifies you that it has queued a hold pickup notice for later printing:

Pickup notice will be printed.

In response:
  1. Click OK. The system prompts you to print a hold slip:

    Print slip to place in book?

  2. Click YES or NO depending on whether or not you want to print a hold slip.

When you are done cancelling the original hold, return the item to the holdshelf.

Another location Displays the pickup location of the next hold. For example:

Pickup at west.

In response:
  1. Click OK to clear this message. The system prompts you to set the item's STATUS to 't' (IN TRANSIT) or '!' (ON HOLDSHELF).
  2. Click In Transit or On Holdshelf. You should select In Transit only if you plan to carry the item to the pickup location yourself.
  3. Click OK.

When you are done cancelling the original hold, send or take the item to the pickup location.

Pickup Notice Generated at Pickup Location

Sierra does not generate a hold pickup notice for the item until it is checked in at the new pickup location.

Item Cannot Satisfy Hold

If the item cannot satisfy another hold, Sierra prompts you to remove it from the holdshelf:

Remove item from holdshelf.

In response to this message, click OK. The system determines whether the item belongs to another location and responds as follows:

If the item belongs to: The system:
Current location Changes its STATUS to '-' (AVAILABLE).
Another location Prompts you to send the item in transit to that location. For more information, see Checking In an Item that Belongs to Another Location.

When you are done cancelling the hold, return the item to the shelves or send it to its owning location.

See also:
Cancelling Holds
Cancelling Holds from within a Hold Queue
Cancelling Holds within the Holds Tab
Hold Filling Sequence
Possible Messages (Cancelling Holds)
Managing Defunct Holds