Cancelling Holds from within a Hold Queue

To use the Search/Holds function, you must be assigned permission 101 (View bibliographic records). To choose the Cancel Holds button, you must be assigned permission 45 (Holds management). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The Holds: Print hold cancel notice when cancelling hold Circulation Option determines whether Sierra generates a hold cancellation notice when you cancel holds.

Cancelling an INN-Reach Hold from within a Hold Queue

This page describes cancelling a standard circulation hold. For information on cancelling an INN-Reach hold, see Cancelling an INN-Reach Hold with Re-request or Cancelling an INN-Reach Hold with No Re-request.

To cancel one or more of the holds in a bibliographic, volume, or item record's hold queue:

  1. Choose one of the following from the Function list:
    • Binding
    • Catalog
    • Check In Bound
    • Claim/Cancel Orders
    • Claiming
    • Orders
    • Rapid Receive
    • Search/Holds
    • Serials Check-In
    • To Bindery
  2. View the item, volume, or title hold queue.
  3. Select one or more of the holds in the queue.
  4. Choose the Cancel Holds button. For each hold you selected, Sierra:
    1. Determines whether the item is currently on the holdshelf. An item currently on the holdshelf has a STATUS of '!'.
      • If the item is on the holdshelf (that is, has a STATUS of '!'), the system performs the steps described in Cancelled Item Is on the Holdshelf.
      • If the item is not on the holdshelf (that is, does not have a STATUS of '!'), the system continues to the next step.
    2. Determines the type of hold being cancelled:
      • If the hold is a volume-level or title-level hold, the system continues to determining whether it should generate a hold cancellation notice.
      • If the hold is an item-level hold, the system displays the following options:
        Cancel hold and change status to MISSING
        Cancel the hold and change the status of the item to 'm' (MISSING). The system does not offer this option if the item's STATUS is already 'm'.
        Cancel hold
        Cancel the hold without changing the status of the item.
        Do not cancel hold
        Continue without cancelling the hold.
        If you choose one of the options that cancels the hold, the system displays prompts related to the generation of hold cancellation notices depending on your library's setup.
  5. Respond to prompts related to generating hold cancellation notices (if any).

    When Sierra finishes processing all the holds you selected, it displays a summary of your activity. For example, if you initially selected three holds but chose to cancel only two, the system displays:

    2 of 3 holds were cancelled.
    The following hold was not cancelled:
    Hold on <record> not cancelled at this time.
  6. Choose OK to continue.
Using <Esc> to Discard Remaining Holds

If you press <Esc> while you are cancelling holds, Sierra discards any holds that it has not processed. For example, if you choose to cancel four holds but answer the prompts only for the first hold and then press <Esc>, the system cancels the first hold only. In the summary, the system lists the remaining holds as "unprocessed."

See also:
Cancelled Item Is on the Holdshelf
Cancelling Holds
Cancelling Holds within the Holds Tab
Generating Hold Cancellation Notices
Volume Level Holds
Possible Messages (Cancelling Holds)