Possible Messages (Cancelling Holds)

This section describes some of the messages you might see when you try to cancel holds:

1 of 2 holds were cancelled.
The following hold was not cancelled:
Hold on <record> not cancelled at this time.
2 selected holds were not processed.
You selected four holds to cancel and pressed <Esc> after you answered the prompts for the first one. The system cancelled the first hold only. However, this summary refers to all four holds:
Hold 1Cancelled. (The system processed the hold after you answered.)
Hold 2Not cancelled. (You pressed <Esc> while the system was prompting you about this hold.)
Hold 3Unprocessed. (The system never prompted you for this hold.)
Hold 4Unprocessed. (The system never prompted you for this hold.)
2 of 3 holds were cancelled.
The following hold was not cancelled:
Hold on <record> not cancelled at this time.
You chose to cancel two of the three holds you selected.
Hold moved to next patron in queue <patron name>.
For information about the order in which the system fills holds, see Hold Filling Sequence.
Remove item from holdshelf.
The selected item is ready for pickup (STATUS is '!' [ON HOLDSHELF]) and there are no other holds for the item.