Customizing Patron Information in Holdshelf Prompts

When you check in an item that satisfies a hold, the system displays a prompt that provides information about the holding patron. For example:

Item has hold to be picked up
at ce3ug for Washington, Ray
Fill hold with this item?

The data elements that display in holdshelf prompts (such as patron name, barcode, and contact information) depend on the following circulation options and optional features:

Field(s) to Include in Prompt Option/Setting To Configure


Holds/Bookings: Display Patron Name and/or Record Number circulation option

Set the circulation option to "NAME only", "Record NUMBER only", or "BOTH patron name and patron record number".


Display of Patron Barcode in Holdshelf Prompts

Contact Innovative and request the desired setting (that is, to display or not display patron barcodes in holdshelf prompts).


Display of Patron Contact Information in Holdshelf Prompts

Contact Innovative and request one of the following settings:

Display Fields
Display contact information in prompts, but not on printed hold slips.
Print Fields
Do not display contact information in prompts, but print it on hold slips.
Display and Print Fields
Display contact information in prompts and print it on hold slips.

Note that the Check-out: Display patron address circulation option also affects printing of the TELEPHONE field (but not the EMAIL field) on hold slips, but does not affect holdshelf prompt display.

For example, if the options are configured as follows:

The holdshelf prompt displays as:

Item has hold to be picked up
at ce3ug for Washington, Ray
(barcode 654654984).
Fill hold with this item?