Defunct Holds Summary Reports

Defunct holds summary reports display information about defunct holds. These on-screen reports display when clearing the holdshelf and have the following types:

Clearable Holds Summary Report
Displays information about clearable holds. Library staff set the parameters of this report when viewing defunct holds. Note that this report lists only the holds that are ready to be cleared, whereas the Outstanding Holds Report lists all items on the holdshelf. Thus, the two reports might not display the same number of holds.
Cleared Holds Summary Report
Displays information about cleared holds, including the record number(s) of any defunct holds that could not be cleared. Library staff set the parameters of this report when clearing defunct holds.

This page describes the screen version of these reports. The printed versions of the reports contain additional information; for a description, see the Defunct Holds Detail Reports.

Report Elements

This report contains the following sections:

Table of Defunct Holds


A summary of the defunct holds included in this report. This section contains the following elements:

Expired holds for books on holdshelf
Contains counts of the expired holds for items with a status of '!' (ON HOLDSHELF). These holds are categorized by the action it is recommended that staff take on them, according to the following categories:

# to be removed from holdshelf entirely
# to be reshelved or set in-transit
# to be moved to next person in hold queue and set in-transit (Clearable Holds only)
# to be moved to next person in the hold queue at the same location (Clearable Holds only)
# moved to next patron in hold queue and set in-transit (Cleared Holds only)
# moved to next patron in hold queue at same location (Cleared Holds only)

If your library has Title Priority Paging enabled, this summary includes an additional category:

# to be checked in to activate next hold
Expired holds for items not on holdshelf
A count of defunct holds for items that have a status other than '!' (ON HOLDSHELF).
Total items on holdshelf
A count of the total holds for items that have a status of '!' (ON HOLDSHELF).
Failed to clear some holds because
(Cleared Holds Summary Report only) Lists those defunct holds that could not be cleared.

Table of Defunct Holds

The table of defunct holds contains the following elements:

The patron name. Corresponds to the PATRN NAME variable-length field in the patron record. If the Patron Alias feature is enabled at your library and aliases are entered in the patron records of any patrons listed, patron aliases display in parentheses after the patron name.
The title of the item on which the hold was placed. Corresponds to the TITLE variable-length field in the bibliographic record.
Call Num
The call number of the item on which the hold was placed. Corresponds to the CALL # variable-length field in the item record.
The item barcode. Corresponds to the BARCODE variable-length field in the item record.
The status of the hold. Possible values include:
CHECK INStaff must check in the item to activate the next hold.
HOLD CLEAREDThe system successfully cleared the hold.
HOLD EXPIREDThe hold has expired (for example, the Not Wanted After date has passed).
PICKUP TIME EXPIREDThe patron did not pick up the item prior to the pickup expiration date.
REMOVED FROM SHELFThe system removed the hold.
TO NEXT PATRONThe system moved the hold to the next patron in the queue, and the pickup location for the subsequent hold is the same as the current holdshelf location.
TO NEXT PATRON (IN-TRANSIT)The system moved the hold to the next patron in the queue, and the pickup location for the subsequent hold is different than the current holdshelf location.