Updating Holdings and Coverage Data from a File

To update holdings (the LIB HAS fields in checkin records) in the EHoldings Load or Coverage Load, you must be assigned permission 491 (Update holdings). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

If your library has acquired WebBridge or Electronic Resources Management (ERM), your system includes a coverage table describing resources.

If your library has acquired EJournal Holdings Update, you can use a text (TXT or CSV) or XML file to update LIB HAS fields in holdings/checkin records.

If your library has acquired EJournal Holdings Update and WebBridge, you can use a text (TXT or CSV) or XML file to update:

If your library has acquired Electronic Resources Management, you can use a text (TXT or CSV) or XML file to create and update:

If your library has acquired ERM, you do not enter holdings data in the LIB HAS fields of holdings records for titles in the coverage table. Holdings records and resource records for titles in the coverage table are soft linked, allowing the system to locate holdings data from the coverage table to display in records (by matching the RESOURCE ID field of the resource record to the RESOURCE ID in the coverage table). Note that the holdings data from the coverage table display in records in a contrasting color, and cannot be edited with the editor (Sierra Editor allows you to edit fields in records).

Functions Used for Updates

You import files containing coverage and/or record data using the Coverage Load function. Coverage Load is available only if your library has acquired EJournal Holdings Update or ERM.

You edit coverage data using the Coverage Edit function. Coverage Edit is available only if your library has acquired EJournal Holdings Update and WebBridge.

Libraries typically acquire either ERM or EJournal Holdings Update. WebBridge can be used with either product.

The LIB HAS Update Process in EJournal Holdings Update

If your library has acquired EJournal Holdings Update, you can update the LIB HAS fields of holdings/checkin records by importing a file.

The holdings/checkin records update process has the following steps:

  1. Identify the records in the database that you will update with a file.
  2. Insert identifiers in those records.
  3. Create or obtain the file for updating holdings. Files for updating holdings are typically created through the serial vendor or serial vendor's software. For more information about creating files for updating holdings statements, see:
  4. Process the file.

If your library has acquired EJournal Holdings Update and WebBridge, you can use a file to simultaneously update LIB HAS fields in holdings/checkin records and coverage data. For more information, see:

Formatting Text Files for Simultaneous Holdings Records and Coverage Data Updates
Formatting XML Files for Simultaneous Holdings Records and Coverage Data Updates
Updating Coverage Data and Holdings Records Simultaneously from a File

The Coverage Data Update Process

If your library has acquired ERM, see Maintaining Coverage Data for Resources and Loading Coverage Data for more information.