Formatting XML Files for Simultaneous Holdings Records and Coverage Data Updates

You can simultaneously update LIB HAS fields in holdings/checkin records and coverage data by using an XML file. An XML file can contain updates for multiple holdings/checkin records and resources. The XML file must conform to Innovative's Electronic Holdings Update DTD.

This page describes the formatting of an XML file for simultaneously updating LIB HAS fields in holdings/checkin records and coverage data in the coverage database. To format an XML file for updating coverage data only, see Formatting XML Files for Coverage Data. To format an XML file for updating LIB HAS fields in holdings/checkin records only, see Formatting XML Files for Holdings Records Updates.

When updating holdings statements from an XML file, enter the identifier in the SUPPLIER element.

If URLs are entered in the XML file, convert special characters in URLs to XML entity references.

To create an XML file for updating holdings/checkin records and coverage data, follow these steps:

  1. The first two lines identify the version of XML, the encoding, and the DTD. These lines will be the same for every XML file used for holdings updates. The first two lines are:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

  1. The third line is the identifier. Identifiers are used to find the correct copies of the serials to be updated. Only one identifier per XML file is allowed. Tag the identifier by using the <Supplier></Supplier> tags:



When LIB HAS fields are updated, an identifier in the SUPPLIER element is required. For coverage data updates, the SUPPLIER element is not required. When simultaneously updating LIB HAS fields and WebBridge coverage data, verify that the SUPPLIER element contains an identifier or that an identifier is entered at the prompt.

  1. Open a ServiceObject:


  1. The Vendor ID within in the ServiceIdentifier is a required element of the XML file. The Database ID is optional.

    When LIB HAS fields are updated, the Vendor ID is used only to label the tab in the Electronic Holdings Load function. For WebBridge, the Vendor ID and optional Database ID are part of the coverage data update and are loaded into the WebBridge database. When simultaneously updating LIB HAS fields and WebBridge coverage data, verify that the ServiceIdentifier element contains a meaningful WebBridge Vendor ID or that a meaningful WebBridge Vendor ID is entered at the prompt.


  1. Open an ObjectDescription:


  1. Create successive ObjectDescription elements to hold the elements for the serial or coverage data to be updated.

An example for a serial:


An example for WebBridge coverage data:


When updating coverage data, enter StartDate and EndDate in any of the following formats:

  • YYYY

If you do not have an EndDate, leave the EndDate blank. A blank EndDate means "to present" (if a StartDate is provided).

If you do not have a StartDate, enter a zero for the StartDate.

  1. Continue to add ServiceObject and ObjectDescription elements for each serial or WebBridge resource to be updated.

The XML file can contain more than one ServiceObject. Multiple ServiceObjects create multiple tabs in the EHoldings Load function. All tabs are processed when you choose to process the file.

  1. Close the ObjectDescription and ServiceObject elements:


  1. Close the file:


  1. Save the XML file in plain text format.

Example XML File for Simultaneously Updating Holdings (LIB HAS fields) and WebBridge Coverage Data

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
<Supplier>Joe Supplier</Supplier>
<VendorId>LEXIS - NEXIS</VendorId>
<Title>Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law</Title>
<Title>Journal of Gender Studies</Title>