Renewing an Overdue Item

If the Renewals: Prompt for renewal Circulation Option is set to "NO", you cannot renew an overdue item.

If your library set the Authorization required to view checked out items for patron Circulation Option to "YES", you must be assigned permission 167 (View items checked out to patron) to see all the items checked out to a patron. If this Circulation Option is set to "YES" and you are not assigned permission 167, you will only be able to renew overdue items.

When you successfully renew an overdue item, Sierra does the following:

  1. Updates the appropriate fields in the patron and item record. When renewing overdue items, the system also makes the following additional updates:
    • If the patron received one or more overdue notices for the item, the system resets the item record's # OVERDUE fixed-length field to "0" and deletes the value in the ODUE DATE fixed-length field.
    • If the patron received a bill for the item, the system makes the same updates and adjustments as when checking in a billed item.
  2. Calculates a new due date for the item. Note that the renewal period is always added to the date of renewal when you renew an overdue item.
  3. Prompts you to renew the item and assess overdue renewal fines, based on the setting of the Renewals: Prompt for renewal circulation option.
    • If Renewals: Prompt for renewal is set to "NO" or "YES, PROMPT ONLY IF FINE", and the patron does not owe money, the system renews the item and displays a confirmation message:

    The item was renewed.

    • If Renewals: Prompt for renewal is set to "YES" and the patron does not owe money, the system prompts you to confirm the renewal:

    The selected item is 11 day(s) overdue. Renew item?

    Click Yes to renew the item.

    • If Renewals: Prompt for renewal is set to "YES" or "YES, PROMPT ONLY IF FINE", the system displays the money owed by the patron and offers the following options:
      Don't renew
      The system does not renew the item.
      Renew and add fine
      The system renews the item and adds the fine to the patron record. The fine type and amount depends on whether the item was billed prior to the renewal.
      "Add Fine" Option Unavailable at INN-Reach Owning Sites

      If you are attempting to renew an overdue item from an INN-Reach owning site, this option does not display. For more information, see Renewing an INN-Reach Item from the Owning Site.

      Renew with no fine
      The system renews the item without adding a fine to the patron's record. If your library set the Fines/Bills: Authorization required to waive circulation option to "YES", you must be assigned permission 93 (Waive or adjust fines) to choose this option. Waived fines are logged to the circulation overrides file.
      The system exits without renewing the selected items.
  4. (Optional) Enables you to print a renewal receipt (also referred to as date due slips).
See also:
How Sierra Determines Eligibility for Renewal
Changing Due Dates for Renewed Items
Possible Messages (Renewing Items)