Renewals: Prompt for renewal?

There are three possible choices for this option:

1 > NO - Do not prompt for renewals. The system automatically blocks the renewal of overdue items.

2 > YES - Prompt for renewals. If a fine is owed, the system will prompts you to decide whether to deny renewal, renew and add the fine, or renew without charging the patron. If no fine is owed, the system prompts you to decide whether or not to allow renewal. The system allows renewal of overdue items.

3 > YES, PROMPT ONLY IF FINE - Prompt in case of fine only. If a fine is owed, the procedure is the same as when this option is set to "YES." If no fine is owed, the system automatically renews the item.

Features Not Affected by Option

This option does not affect the behavior of the following:

See Renewing Items for information on renewals.