Acquisitions Options

The following acquisition system options can be set by authorized staff . Click on any of the linked options for an explanation of that option. Default values are listed with each option.

When you choose Acquisitions Options, the following options display:

01 > Warn if fund reaches what percent of budget........................90 %
02 > Discount Eprice: rate determined by vendor/fund....................FUND
03 > Library subject to sales tax.........................................NO
04 > Library subject to use tax...........................YES (SPECIFY RATE)
05 > Combine receiving and invoice entry.................................YES
06 > Key both list price and net price on invoice.........................NO
07 > Indicate in TLOC that P.O. requested................................YES
08 > Est price on P.O. is per copy or total all copies...................PER
09 > Divide funds into subfunds based on ORD type.........................NO
10 > Fund Activity report shows YTD appro history........................YES
11 > Library uses foreign currencies.....................................YES
12 > Invoice total on invoice register in local and foreign currency......NO
13 > Allow payments made before what date to be deleted................12-85
14 > Allow edit of payment field in order record.........................YES
15 > Claims/cancellations printing format.......Standard Claim form, tractor
16 > PO printing format......................................Multiple titles
17 > Fields to print on Purchase Order form...................Choose to view
18 > Fields to print on Claim form............................Choose to view
19 > Claim E-mail information.................................Choose to view
20 > Order E-mail information........iiiord||iiiorder|
21 > Initialize scope to funds...........................................YES
22 > Initialize scope to locations.......................................YES
23 > Pending Tag...........................................................p
24 > Selector Tag..........................................................i
25 > Fiscal Year Closing..........................................Method One
Key a number or
Choose one (1-24,Q) 
See also:
Emailing Claims
Electronic Ordering Overview