Divide funds into subfunds based on ORD type

Within each fund, the system can keep track of expenditures in up to seven categories or subfunds. When defining the categories, the system uses the codes which the library has established for the ORD TYPE field of the order record. Your library can define the number and names of subfunds in your system by altering the code meaning of the ORD TYPE field (or the field chosen for subfunds) via the Fixed-Length codes option. The codes in the ORD TYPE field detail the manner in which the library materials were acquired (e.g., firm order, standing order, approval, etc.). The expenditures by subfund are printed in the Fund Activity Reports.

Use this option to specify whether or not your library wishes to divide funds into subfunds.

  • If there are more than seven codes defined for ORD TYPE, the system keeps track of the second through seventh subfunds and lumps the sum of the first subfund and all the subfunds above seven under the total for the first subfund.
  • The system only keeps track of expenditures in subfunds (encumbrances, appropriations, and balances are not kept track of in subfunds).
  • It is possible to use data elements other than the ORD TYPE for the creation of subfunds. Contact Innovative if your library wishes to use another data element.