Emailing Claims

To send claims via email, your library must acquire the Electronic Claiming of Serials Issues via Email product. Your library also must set up electronic claiming in Sierra before emailing claims.

In addition to printing claims, you can send serials claims via email if your organization has acquired the Electronic Claiming of Serials Issues via Email product. Sierra uses the ASC X12.02 format to send claims electronically.

Before emailing claims, you can:

Sending Claims for Serials Issues via Email

To send electronic claims:

  1. Choose Send Claims from the Function list.
  2. Choose (Number of) claims to send via EMAIL from the drop-down list to display the list of electronic claims.
  3. Choose Send. Sierra displays the Send Setup dialog. In this dialog, select one of the following options:
    • Send all to email all of the electronic claims in the file, regardless of which claims you selected
    • Send selected to send only the claims you selected
  4. Choose Send to email the claims.

Sierra then displays two dialogs in succession: a dialog containing the errors encountered during emailing and a dialog reporting the successful transmissions. Choose OK in each dialog to continue or Cancel if you decide not to email the claims.

  1. Sierra asks you to confirm that the claims were emailed successfully. Choose Yes if the claims were sent successfully. The claims are then removed from the serial-claims-awaiting-processing file.

Choose No if there was a problem sending the claims; the claims are not removed from the file.

  1. Choose Quit to exit the list of electronic claims.
See also:
Moving Electronic Claim Letters to the Print File
Printing Claims
Claiming Late Issues of a Serial