Moving Electronic Claim Letters to the Print File

To print claims rather than send them electronically, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Send Claims from the Function list.
  2. Choose <Number of> claims to send via EMAIL from the drop-down list.
  3. Choose Move to Print File.

This moves all of the email claims to the list of claims to print. The system prompts you to confirm the move:

Are you sure you want to move all claims to the print queue?

  1. Choose Yes to move all of the electronic claims to the list of claims to print.

If electronic claims are moved to the print file but not printed before you leave the Send Claims function, they will return to the <Number of> claims to send via EMAIL list.

See also:
Claiming Late Issues
Printing Claims
Emailing Claims
Sorting Claims
Limiting the Claims to Print or Email
Viewing and Modifying Associated Records While Sending Claims
Deleting Claims or Sending Selected Claims Only