Limiting the Claims to Print or Email

In the Send Claims function, you can limit the list of claims by location and vendor.

Limiting by Location

To limit the list of claims by location in the Send Claims function:

  1. Choose Limit by Location. Sierra displays the Select Location dialog. Note that the locations listed in the Select Location dialog are from the Branch (location) codes table on the system.
  2. Select a location from the list.
  3. Choose OK. Sierra displays just those claims that match the selected location.

To display claims for all locations, choose No Limit. The system displays all of the claims to print or email.

Limiting by Vendors

To limit the list of claims to one or more vendors in the Send Claims function:

  1. Choose Limit by Vendors. Sierra displays the Select Vendors dialog.
  2. Enter a vendor code.
  3. Choose OK. Sierra displays just those claims that match the selected vendor(s).

To display claims for all vendors, choose No Limit. The system displays all of the claims to print or email.