Deleting Claims or Sending Selected Claims Only

The claims that are ready to send are listed in the serial-claims-awaiting-processing file. By default, Sierra sends all of the claims in the file. If there are issues for which you do not want to send claims, there are two methods:

Deleting Claims from the serial-claims-awaiting-processing File

To delete the issues you do not want to send from the serial-claims-awaiting-processing file:

  1. Choose Send Claims from the Function list. Sierra displays the claims to print from the serial-claims-awaiting-processing file.
  2. Select the issues to delete. See Tables for help selecting issues.
  3. Choose Tools | Delete. Sierra prompts you to verify the deletion:

Are you sure you want to delete the selected entries?

  1. Choose Yes to permanently remove the issues from the serial-claims-awaiting-processing file.

Sending Selected Claims Only

To select only the issues you want to send:

  1. Choose Send Claims from the Function list. Sierra displays the claims to print from the serial-claims-awaiting-processing file.
  2. Choose (Number of) claims to PRINT or (Number of) claims to send via EMAIL.
  3. Select the claims. See Tables for help selecting issues.
  4. Choose Print or Send. See Printing Claims for more information on printing claims or Emailing Claims for more information on emailing claims.