Fields to print on Claim form

This option allows you to specify which fields print on order claim/cancellation letters.

Standard order claim forms have a ten-line area for printing bibliographic information, instructions to vendors, and local instructions. This area is divided into three sections. The library can specify which bibliographic and order record fields print in each of these three sections.

The system determines what prints on other areas of the form.

The library can also specify the height of the form and whether certain codes should print on the form.

For detailed descriptions of order claim forms, see The Order Claim/Cancellation Letter.

When you select this option, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

Fields to print on Claim form

1 > Top section (Bibliographic data)..........................BtOiBaeps
2 > Middle section (Order data)...............................F14F5Ovf
3 > Bottom section (Additional Order data)....................O1
4 > Print location and codes (on line 11 of form).............YES
5 > Height of Claim form.......................................3"

Key a number or
S > SHOW what is printed on purchase orders & claims
R > RETURN to Acquisitions menu
Choose one (1-5,S,R)

Using Print Templates for Claims and Cancellations

If you have enabled Print Templates for claims and/or cancellations, you can define the fields that print in the Title Description element by choosing the "Top section (Bibliographic data)" setting of this option.

Note that the other settings in this option are not used by the system when print templates are enabled.

1 > Top section (Bibliographic data)
2 > Middle section (Order data)
3 > Bottom section (Additional Order data)

These settings allow you to specify which fields print in the top, middle, and bottom sections of the form. The data entry screen for each of these settings contains instructions on what can be entered and how to enter it. For example if you select 2 > Middle section (Order data) the following screen displays:

Fields to print on Claim form

Middle section (Order data)
Current Fields: F14F5Ovf

Enter a record type identifier ('B' for Bibliographic, 'O' for Order or 'V'
for print field from Order record, if it exists there, else from Bib record),
followed by a list of variable-length field tag(s) valid for that record type.
Or enter the fixed-length field identifier ('F') followed by a number:
        'F5'  for the COPIES field from the Order record
        'F11' for the FORM field from the Order record
        'F14' for the ORD NOTE field from the Order record
        'F15' for the ORD TYPE field from the Order record
The order of entry determines the order in which the fields will print
Note: The total number of fields in the list cannot exceed 10.

New list of field tags: 

For information on using these three settings, see the Fields to print on Purchase Order form option, which uses the same settings.

4 > Print location and codes (on line 11 of form)

For an order claim form, selecting "YES" causes the LOCATION, CODE1, CODE2, CODE3, and CODE4 fields from the order record to print on line 11 of the form.

For a serial issue claim form (controlled by the Fields to print on Serial issue claim form option), selecting "YES" causes the LOCATION, SCODE1, SCODE2, SCODE3, and SCODE4 fields from the checkin record to print on line 11 of the form.

If you select "NO", line 11 is left blank.

5 > Height of Claim form

Requires Standard Letter

The system uses this option only if your library prints on the standard Order Claim/Cancellation Letter. This option is not used if your library chooses the Single Title, Portrait setting in the Claims/cancellations printing format option.

This option allows you to specify whether the claim form is 3" or 3-½" high. Standard Innovative claim and purchase order forms are 3 inches high and fit in a window envelope with the window one-half inch from the bottom of the envelope. Alternately, you can choose to print on forms that are 3-½ inches high and fit window envelopes with the window 1 inch from the bottom of the envelope. The 3-½ inch form provides three extra lines at the bottom of the form. No system information prints on these extra lines. You can have the printing company that produces the form add pre-printed information, such as your library's name and address, in this area.

If your library begins using stock of a different height, be sure to change the height setting for all affected forms (e.g., purchase orders and serials claims).

S > SHOW what is printed on purchase orders and claims

Select this option to view a summary screen showing the fields that currently print on claim/cancellation letters, and the order in which they print. The record type associated with the field appears in parentheses after the field name. Note that this screen also shows what fields print on purchase orders and serials claims.


Top Line          RECORD #           RECORD #           RECORD #

Top Block         TITLE(Bib)         TITLE(Bib)         TITLE(Chk)
                  AUTHOR(Bib)        AUTHOR(Bib)        IDENTITY(Chk)
                  IMPRINT(Bib)       IMPRINT(Bib)       AUTHOR(Bib)
                  EDITION(Bib)       EDITION(Bib)       EDITION(Chk)
                  SERIES(Bib)        SERIES(Bib)        IMPRINT(Chk)
                  OLD ORDER #(Order) OLD ORDER #(Order)    --

Middle Block      ORD NOTE(Order)    ORD NOTE(Order)    COPIES(Chk)
                  COPIES(Order)      COPIES(Order)      VEN. ID #(Chk)
                  VEN. ID #(Order)   RENEWAL(Order)     VEN. NOTE(Chk)
                  VEN. NOTE(Order)   ORD TYPE(Order)       --
                  INT. NOTE(Order)   VEN. NOTE(Order)      --
R > RETURN to previous menu
Choose one (F,P,R)