Using the Web Management Reports Web Browser Interface

The Web Management Reports Web browser interface enables you to configure and view reports in a Web browser. The system retains the source circulation statistics for these reports for up to 36 months.

To access the Web Management Reports Browser Interface, enter the following URL in your Web browser, substituting the IP address of your Innovative system for <IP_address>:


The system displays the Web Reports Manager, from which you can view, print, and download reports. See the description below for more information.

System Requirements for the Web Browser Interface

If your operating system is Windows:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or later
Firefox 4.0 or later

If your operating system is Mac OS 7.1 or later:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.01 or later

You must enable cookies in your browser, regardless of browser type. Millennium Web Management Reports use cookies to maintain the connection between the client browser and the server. If your browser has the cookie feature disabled, each frame is forced to request authentication every time it requests information from the server.

Web Reports Manager Display

By default, no authorization is required to view the Web Reports Manager. However, Innovative can enable a customized authorization specified by your library for this purpose. For more information, contact Innovative.

This display uses HTML frames (independently changeable and scrollable "windows") and divides the browser into four areas:


The upper-left frame contains the Web Management Reports logo. Click this logo to return to the main page of Web Management Reports from any report.


The toolbar for the Web Management Reports always includes the following options:

Table All reports initially appear in a table format. If a report is available for viewing in another format, such as pie chart or graph, those options appear also. If you select one of these options, you can choose the Table option to view the report in that format again.
Help Choose the Help option to display information about using the reports. The information that appears depends on the report selected from the Menu.

The following options appear for some reports, but not all:

All Choose the All option to display the current report data in all three formats (table, pie chart, bar graph) in the Report frame. When you choose All, the report data appears in three sections: the top section displays the report in tabular format, the middle section displays the report as a pie chart, and the bottom section displays the report as a horizontal bar chart.
Bar Graph Choose the Bar Graph option to display the current report data as a horizontal bar chart in the Report frame.
Download Choose the Download option to save the current report data to an ASCII text file on your PC or Macintosh; your Web browser allows you to specify the application and location to which the data is saved. Each row in the report is converted to a line of ASCII text as follows: the contents of each cell in the row are followed by a vertical bar (decimal 124, hex 7C), and each row is terminated with a "new-line" character (decimal 10, hex 0A).
Pie Chart Choose the Pie Chart option to display the current report data as a pie chart in the Report frame.

Pie charts display segments that are less than 5% of the total in a slice labelled Miscellaneous. All slices that are less than 5% of the total will be combined into the Miscellaneous category.

If all slices in the pie chart each represent less than 5% of the total, the entire chart will be labelled Miscellaneous and the system displays the message All values below 5%. Pie charts cannot display these proportions.
Percent Choose the Percent tool to display fund expenditures over or under a threshold percentage you specify.
Up/Down When a report contains more than one page, the report indicates the current page number and the total number of pages, for example "1 of 3." Choose the Up/Down option to view additional pages in a report.

Menu of Report Options

This frame lists the available reports. Initially, the report options in this frame are grouped according to data type. When you choose a group report option from the menu, the system then displays a list of individual report options in the menu. When you choose individual report options and choose the Submit button, the report data appears in the Report frame.

Many of the individual reports are included in multiple group lists. For example, you can view the Age of Collection report by choosing the Cross-Tab, Age of Coll, Coll Dev, or Site Activity report option.

Choose a group report option by clicking the box to the left of the entry in the list.

Group report options include:

Patron Searches Displays options for viewing individual reports on patron searches. Viewing Patron Search Reports
Web Access Displays options for downloading Web Access Management reports. Downloading Web Access Management Statistics
E-Reserves Displays options for individual reports on electronic reserves. Viewing E-Reserves Reports
User Functions Displays options for viewing individual reports on user activity in patron records in the WebPAC. Viewing User Functions Reports
Circ Activity Displays options for viewing individual reports on circulation activities. Viewing Circulation Activity Reports
Cross-Tab Displays options for viewing individual cross-tab reports on circulation activities. Viewing Circulation Cross-Tab Reports
Age of Coll Displays options for viewing individual Age of Collection reports. Viewing Age of Collection Reports
Coll Dev Displays options for viewing individual Collection Development reports. Viewing Collection Development Reports
Fund Reports Displays options for viewing individual fund reports. Viewing Fund Reports
Vendor Info Displays options for viewing individual vendor activity reports. Viewing Vendor Activity Reports
Site Activity Displays options for viewing the INN-Reach circulation reports. This option is only present on INN-Reach Local Servers. Viewing INN-Reach Circulation Reports
Fulfillment Displays options for viewing the INN-Reach patron reports. This option is only present on INN-Reach Central Servers. Viewing INN-Reach Patron Reports

Report Frame

The main frame displays the content for the report option you select from the menu.

See also:
Using the Web Management Reports Spreadsheet Interface