Viewing Circulation Cross-Tab Reports

To view these reports, you must be authorized for function 14 (Web Collection Development reports). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The Circulation Cross-Tab reports enable you to construct custom queries about circulation activity over a specified time period.

To view this report:

  1. Choose Cross-Tab from the reports menu.
  2. Specify the type of circulation activity you want to view. To do so, choose one of the following from the Stat Type section of the reports menu:
    • Checkout
    • Renewal
    • Holds
    • Hlds/Recall
    INN-Reach Circulation Activity

    If your Local Server participates in INN-Reach circulation, these statistics can include the following INN-Reach activity:

    • Checkout—Can include:
      • Institutional checkouts (when your library as owning site checks out an item to the patron site)
      • Patron site checkouts (when your library as patron site checks out the item to the requesting patron)
    • Renewal—Does not include INN-Reach renewals.
    • Holds—Can include institutional checkouts as filled holds.
    • Hlds/Recall—Does not include INN-Reach recalls.
  3. Specify a time period for the report by choosing one of the following:

    2 days ago
    MTD (month to date)
    YTD (year to date)
    User spec (Select a starting and ending month and year for the report. Enter these dates by choosing the checkbox to the left of the Starting and the Ending months.)
    Last mo (last month; includes a comparison to the previous month's activity, and the activity for the same month in the previous year.)

  4. Restrict the report data to a specific "terminal" or a group of "terminals" (i.e. statistics groups) by choosing Term from the Limit section of the reports menu. To view all terminals (statistics groups) in the system, choose System again.
  5. Define the report criteria to display in the report Rows by choosing one of the following from the reports menu:

    PTYPEDisplays use statistics by patron type (PTYPE is defined by the library).
    PCODE1Displays use statistics by patron code (PCODE1 is defined by the library).
    PCODE2Displays use statistics by patron code (PCODE2 is defined by the library).
    PCODE3Displays use statistics by patron code (PCODE3 is defined by the library).
    HOME LIBRDisplays use statistics by the patron's home library.
    ICODE1Displays use statistics by item code (ICODE1 is defined by the library).
    ICODE2Displays use statistics by item code (ICODE2 is defined by the library).
    ITYPEDisplays use statistics by item type (ITYPE is defined by the library).
    LOCATIONDisplays use statistics by location.
    CALL NUMBERDisplays use statistics by material call numbers.
  6. Define the report criteria to display in the report Columns by choosing one of the following from the reports menu:

    PTYPECompares use statistics with patron type (PTYPE is defined by the library).
    PCODE1Compares use statistics with patron code (PCODE1 is defined by the library).
    PCODE2Compares use statistics with patron code (PCODE2 is defined by the library).
    PCODE3Compares use statistics with patron code (PCODE3 is defined by the library).
    HOME LIBRCompares use statistics with the patron's home library.
    ICODE1Compares use statistics with item code (ICODE1 is defined by the library).
    ICODE2Compares use statistics with item code (ICODE2 is defined by the library).
    ITYPECompares use statistics with item type (ITYPE is defined by the library).
    LOCATIONCompares use statistics with location.
  7. Choose Submit.
  8. To view the most recent data, choose Recalculate.

This report can display a maximum of 10,000 columns. If you try to create a report that includes more than 10,000 columns, the report is not created and the system displays the following message:

A report cannot be generated because the number of columns is larger than <10,000>.