Viewing E-Reserves Reports

To view these reports, you must be authorized for function 17 (Circulation statistics). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The E-Reserves report displays data on the viewing and printing of Electronic Reserve articles. You can view general statistics on Daily Activity, or more detailed statistics grouped by specific categories for a specified time period.

You can view usage data for Electronic Reserves in the following reports. For more information about a report, choose the appropriate link.

To view data for Electronic Reserves articles, do the following:

  1. Choose E-Reserves from the reports menu.
  2. Choose one of the following from the reports menu:
  3. Select the range of time for the report by selecting one of the following options in the reports menu and then choose Submit:
    • Yesterday
    • Two Days Ago
    • MTD (Month To Date)
    • YTD (Year To Date)
    • User Spec (User Specified Range)
    • Last Month
    If you choose User Spec, the system displays a form that allows you to select a starting and ending month and year for the report. Enter these dates by doing the following:
    • Specify a starting month and year by choosing values from the drop down lists under Beginning month and year.
    • Specify an ending month and year by choosing values from the drop down lists under Ending month and year.
    • Choose Go.

Daily Activity Report

The Daily Activity report displays information about general activity on the printing and viewing of Electronic Reserve articles. The report displays the following information for each article:

Publisher Code Report

The Publisher Code report displays the printing/viewing history for Electronic Reserve articles, grouped by Publisher Code. The report displays the following information for each article:

Summary Statistics by Date Report

The Summary Statistics by Date report displays the number of times specific Electronic Reserve articles have been printed or viewed over a specific time period, grouped by date. The report displays the following information for each article:

Summary Statistics by Pub Report

The Summary Statistics by Pub report displays the number of times specific Electronic Reserve articles have been printed or viewed over a specific time period, grouped by Publisher Code. The report displays the following information for each article: