Patron Search Reports

To view these reports, you must be authorized for function 15 (Analyze patron searches). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

By default, this report provides statistics for search activity during the past 10 days. You can change this number of days using the Number of days to limit the search history log option.

The Patron Searches reports provide statistics on all search activity performed on your Innovative system during the past ten days.

To view this report:

  1. Choose Patron Searches from the reports menu.
  2. Choose one of the following options in the reports menu:
    Search Statistics
    Displays the number of searches that users keyed during the past ten days, grouped by day.
    Indexes Used and Search Results
    Provides information on how often each index has been used.
    Terminals Used for Search
    Displays the total number of searches and the percentage of total searches performed on each hardwired terminal or login ID (that is, statistics group).
    View Current Searches
    Displays the searches that are currently being performed on your system.
  3. Choose Submit.

Web Management Reports offers the following functions for Patron Searches reports:

Choose a function, and then choose Submit.

Clearing Search History

The system stores Patron Searches reports data in a "search history" file. The search history file retains the data for up to ten days. When the file reaches its maximum size, the system deletes the oldest data to make room for new search information. You can use the Clear Search History option to manually empty the contents of the search history file. This resets the search history period so that the current date becomes the first date in the search history period.

When you choose Clear Search History, the system displays a confirmation prompt:

Limiting Terminals Reported On

To limit your Patron Searches reports to specific terminals:

  1. Choose the checkbox next to each terminal you want to monitor, and then choose Done. The system displays a message indicating that the reports are limited by terminal.
  2. Click the Main View link to return to the Report on Search Activity. Notice that the terminals to which you have chosen to limit your reports appear in the header of the report.
  3. To remove the limit from the reports and monitor all terminals again, select the Reload Search History option from the reports menu.

Reloading Search History

Patron Searches reports are updated once per day in an automatic overnight process. To view more recent data, you can update the reports manually by using the Reload Search History option in the reports menu.

Click the Main View to view updated search statistics.