Viewing Search Statistics

To view these reports, you must be authorized for function 15 (Analyze patron searches). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

By default, this report provides statistics for search activity during the past 10 days. You can change this number of days using the Number of days to limit the search history log option.

The Search Statistics report provides an analysis of daily system usage for a set number of days. This report enables you to view more detailed information about system usage.

To view this report:

  1. Choose Patron Searches from the reports menu.
  2. Choose Search Statistics from the reports menu.
  3. Choose Submit. The Search Statistics report displays the following information:

For this report and each of the sub-reports reports, the system displays statistics on the Number Done and the Percent Done for the past ten days.

Number of User Keyed Searches

The Number of User Keyed Searches report displays the daily number of searches performed on the system for each of the past ten days. When you choose the link for a specific day, the system displays an hourly breakdown of user-initiated searches for that day.

Number of System Suggested Searches

The Number of System Suggested Searches report displays the number of times users have invoked browsing suggestions offered by the system. The Number of System Suggested Searches Executed displays totals for:

Number of Records Retrieved

The Number of Records Retrieved report displays the number of records users found while searching. It details how many searches retrieved no records, one record, two to eight records, etc., up to 5000 or more records. The report also includes the following details:

Number of Searches Limited

The Number of Searches Limited report lists the number of times users employed the LIMIT function to refine searches, and how this affected the number of records retrieved. This report displays the following details:

Number of Exported Records

The Number of Exported Records report displays statistics on the total number of exports performed, and the total number of records exported, grouped by record format. This report displays the following details:

If your library has not acquired the ability to export records, these statistics do not appear.

Number of Displays Invoked

The Number of Displays Invoked report displays the frequency with which different search display screens were used over the past ten days. The number of times a screen was used, along with the overall percentage of its use, is provided for each of the following screen types: