Viewing Indexes Used in Searches

To view these reports, you must be authorized for function 15 (Analyze patron searches). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

By default, this report provides statistics for search activity during the past 10 days. You can change this number of days using the Number of days to limit the search history log option.

The Indexes Used and Search Results report lists the total number of searches and the percentage of total searches performed using each index defined in the database. To view this report:

  1. Choose Patron Searches from the reports menu.
  2. Choose Indexes Used and Search Results from the reports menu.
  3. Choose Submit.
  4. The Indexes Used and Search Results report appears in the report frame. Choose any of the index links to view the Search Results for User Keyed Searches report for that index.

Search Results for User Keyed Searches

When you choose an index link in the Indexes Used and Search Results report, the system displays a detailed report about that index. In the detailed reports, the Number Done and Percent Done are displayed for searches retrieving a specific range of records, e.g., "Searches Retrieving 1 Record," "Searches Retrieving 2-8 Records," etc. The system also displays the following information:

At the bottom of this report, you can choose the option to display information on the Actual Searches Input by User.

Note that when this report is run for the Record numbers index, Web Management Reports counts a record as retrieved only when the user loads the full record display. Because only one full record display can be loaded at a time, the system includes all results in the range "Searches Retrieving 1 Record".

Actual Searches Input by User

When you choose any of the Display Actual Searches Input by User options at the bottom of the Search Results for User Keyed Searches report, the system displays the actual searches performed by users. You can choose any of the following options to view the information as described here: