Viewing Current Searches

To view these reports, you must be authorized for function 15 (Analyze patron searches). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The View Current Searches report displays searches that are currently being performed on your system. To view this report:

  1. Choose Patron Searches from the reports menu.
  2. Choose View Current Searches from the reports menu.
  3. Choose Submit.

The report displays the following information:

The View Current Searches Report is not dynamic, i.e., it does not automatically display each new search as it is performed. To view an updated version of this report, select the View Current Searches menu option.

Operation Codes

Operation Code Function
u user keyed search (diagnostic)
# numbered item selected
l limit search
e export
W redirection (keyword search)
z nearby items search
r related items search
s/a cross reference
b backward
f forward
d change display mode
q quit (new search)
j jump
B go to browse
Q quit to new search (diagnostic)
P function called from search (e.g., "Reserve Lists")

Display Codes

Display Code Display Mode
1 one-line display
2 two-line display
p public display
t staff single record display
m MARC record display
c checkin card display
h full holding display
l staff summary display