Viewing Fund Reports

To view these reports, you must be authorized for function 86 (Fund Reports). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Fund reports display appropriations, expenditures, encumbrances, free balances, and cash balances. Reports display in hierarchical form and can contain groups and sub-groups of funds, with sub-groups possibly divided into further sub-groups. For information on creating the hierarchy used in this report, see Grouping Funds. Note that fund reports cannot be generated for funds that are not in a hierarchy.

You can view fund reports by Subject or by Order Type. To view Fund reports:

  1. Click Fund Reports from the reports menu.
  2. Type your login name and password. Click Submit Query.
  3. Depending on how your library has defined the fund groupings or hierarchies, select the appropriate option.
  4. You can view the funds for a level by clicking the hypertext link for the group. If the levels are further divided into additional levels, the report displays the levels as hypertext links. Click a link to see more detailed information for the level. When there are no more hypertext links, you are at the final level, which is the fund itself.