Setting Up Alternate IDs in the WebPAC

To set up alternate IDs in the WebPAC, edit your Web options, and customizable Web forms, as needed.

Alternate IDs requires Innovative setup. Contact Innovative to enable this feature before completing any of the steps below.

Duplicate Checking

Contact Innovative to enable duplicate checking for the alternate ID field in Sierra. Note that enabling duplicate checking for alternate ID fields involves removing access to the New PATRON Record: Duplicate checking on fields Circulation option.

Web Options

Configure your other Web options, as needed.

  1. In the Web Options function, select the My Account group.
  2. Set the HAS_ALTERNATE_ID Web option to a true value.
  3. Set the ALTERNATE_ID_EMAIL Web option.
  4. Select the Patron Record group.
  5. Set the MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to include the new patron record field tag.
  6. Review your changes in your staging WebPAC. If they are acceptable, use the Web Options function to move them to your live directory.
  7. Save your changes and restart the WebPAC.

Customizable Forms

To offer an alternate ID for patron verification, you must customize those forms that govern patron verification to include tokens for the alternate ID prompt and create a form to specify the message contained in the notification email. If your library offers patron self-registration, you can offer users the option to enter an alternate ID as part of the self-registration process.

  1. Using the Web Master function, edit your patron verification forms to add the following tokens.


    Valid forms include:
  2. Edit the modpinfo.html file to add the following tokens

  3. Edit the alternateid.html file to include the appropriate notification message, as needed.
  4. If your library offers Patron Self-registration, edit the selfreg.html and selfregconfirm.html files to add the following token:

  5. Review your changes in your staging WebPAC. If they are acceptable, use the Web Master function to put the files in your live directory.
  6. Save your changes and restart the WebPAC.
Disabling Alternate IDs

If your library disables alternate IDs in the WebPAC, you should remove the <!--{user_name}--> token from the appropriate files.