Leap Workforms
Leap workforms let you view many different types of records, including patron records, item records, holds and requests, cataloging records, and acquisitions records. Throughout the Leap application, you can link from one record to another. For example, from a bibliographic record, you can link to the item records associated with that title.
Record sets are displayed in specific workforms for the record type, but all record set workforms have similar features.
In addition, you can use the Request Manager and Picklist to manage hold requests.
Leap offers the following workforms:
- Patron Record
- Item Record
- Bibliographic Record
- Authority Record
- Hold Request
- ILL Request
- Record Set
- Item Record Bulk Change
- Holds Queue
- Request Manager
- Holds Picklist
- Locked Records
- Serials Check In
- Serial Holdings Record
- Invoices
- Fiscal Year
- Supplier
- Purchase Order
- Purchase Order Line Item
- Fund Record