View or Edit a Purchase Order
You can use Leap to manage the purchase order record. A purchase order record is the record you create when you order titles from a supplier.
View a Purchase Order Record
To get to the Purchase Order workform
Find the purchase order record you want to edit, and open it in the Purchase Order workform.
You can use the Purchase Order workform to manage the purchase order, its line items, and its segments.
To view and edit information in the Purchase Order workform, you need the following permissions:
- Access Acquisitions: Allow
- Purchase Orders: Access
- Purchase Orders: Modify
Edit a Purchase Order Record
To edit purchase order information
Go to the Purchase Order workform.
Enter or edit information in some or all of the fields in the following purchase order record views:
The Purchase Order workform starts with the Header. The fields are editable depending on the purchase order status.
If the purchase order has a status of Pending, you can edit the following:
Number - Enter a new purchase order number.
Suffix - Enter a new purchase order suffix.
The rest of the fields are read-only and editable only during the purchase order creation process.
To View Account Identifiers and Change Supplier
On the Details view, you can view the account identifiers for the owner of the purchase order and the supplier. The fields are editable depending on the purchase order status. See the following table for a complete list:
The rest of the fields are read-only and editable only during the purchase order creation process.
If the purchase order has a status of Pending, you can edit the following:
Owner - Select a new owning library and SAN. The owning library SAN cannot be modified directly, only by changing the owning organization.
Plan - Enter a plan.
Supplier, SAN, and Account - Edit the Supplier fields. Use the Find button to open the Find Tool for Suppliers. Choosing a supplier from the search results enters the new supplier into the Supplier field and fills in the SAN and Account information.
If you update the supplier, Leap updates the Claims view based on the new supplier record.
To View and Edit Order Details
On the Details view, you can view the order details such as authorization, EDI file name, and EDI creation date. The fields are editable depending on the purchase order status. See the Purchase Order Status table for a complete list.
If the purchase order has a status of Pending, you can do the following:
Authorization - Enter the name of the person or group who authorized the order.
Rental Return Date - Select the date on which rental items must be returned.
External Financial System ID - If there is another identification associated with this purchase order, you can enter it here.
Note - Type a note to other staff members.
Line Items
Each line item is a distinct record that contains information about a title. Within each line item, segments contain distribution and fund information for copies of the title. The Purchase Order workform allows you to view a table of purchase order line items, sort the table, add line items, modify PO line item status, delete a PO Line Item, and access the workform for each line item.
The table includes an Alert (!) column if any of the line items have alerts associated with them. Select the line item row to open the Purchase Order Line Item workform, and toggle the Alert on or off for the line item.
To sort line items
Use the Filter field to limit the number of rows of line items that you see in the table.
Select the arrow in the header line of each column to sort rows in ascending or descending order.
To add a line item
To add a line item, the purchase order must be in Pending status, and the user must have Purchase Orders: Modify, Create permissions.
The Purchase Order Line Item workform opens. This is a modified workform with only Details and Segments views.
Select SAVE.
The system saves the purchase order line item in Pending status.
To modify the status or delete a line item
Select the checkbox beside the row in the Line Item table you want to modify.
Select one of the following:
CANCEL - Changes a line item with a status of Received or Closed to Canceled.
DELETE - Removes the line item from the table and deletes it from the system.
RECEIVE - Changes a line item with a status of Pending, Continuing, or Partly Received to Received.
UNDO RECEIPT - Changes a line item with a status of Received to On Order.
You can modify more line item statuses in the Purchase Order Line Item workform.
To copy a line item to an invoice
In the Line Item table, select the checkbox beside the row you want to modify.
Select COPY TO.
This option is not available if any of the following are true::
The purchase order type is Firm, Donation, or Gift and a purchase order line item is selected that is already linked to an invoice line item or has a status of Canceled, Claimed, Closed, Pending, or Pending Claim.
The purchase order type is Standing Order and a purchase order line item is selected that is already linked to an invoice line item or has a status of not Currently Received.
The purchase order type is Subscription and the purchase order line item or items selected is already linked to an invoice line item or has a status not Currently Received.
Any purchase order line items selected have linked invoice line items or a suppressed status.
Select one of the following:
New Invoice- Copies the purchase order line item and its segments to an invoice you create. For detailed steps on creating an Invoice, see Create an Invoice.
Existing Invoice- Copies the purchase order line item and its segments to an existing invoice you select from the Find Tool.
The Copy to Invoice dialog opens.
The system:
creates invoice line items from the selected purchase order line items.
copies purchase order line item title details, pricing, and segment data to the invoice line item.
updates the invoice line item quantity according to the following table:
Purchase Order Status Invoice Line Item Quantity Not Received or Currently Received 0
Received or Currently Received Copied from purchase order line item
Part Received Copied from purchase order line item segments
To access the line item workform
Select a row to open the Purchase Order Line Item workform.
To edit order details
The Charges view starts with the Order Details. The fields are editable depending on the purchase order status.
If the purchase order status is Pending, you can edit the following:
Discount applied - Type a number that represents the percentage of discount applied.
Sales tax - Enter a number that represents the percentage of sales tax applied.
The rest of the fields are read-only and editable only during the purchase order creation process.
Select Add Charge. A dialog opens.
Select the Type of header charge.
Enter the Amount.
Select the associated Fund.
Select OK.
The header charge is added into the Header Charges table.
You can add only one of each charge type: Cataloging Services, Other, Shipping, Service, and Special Handling.
You can sort the header charges in the table by ascending or descending order by selecting the arrow beside the column heading.
Select one or more rows in the Header Changes table.
Select the checkbox in the table heading to select or clear all rows. -
Select Delete.
The selected charges disappear from the table.
Instructions to Supplier
The Instructions to Supplier view allows you to add instructions to the supplier of your purchase order. You cannot edit the fields on this view if the purchase order status is Closed.
To enter or edit shipping and binding information
Select Shipping Method.
Select a Do Not Ship Before date.
Select the Binding Substitution you would accept.
To capture communication with the supplier
Enter Special Instructions to the supplier.
If the order is confirmed, select the Order Confirmed Date.
If the order is canceled, select an Order Canceled Date.
If you've decided on delayed billing, select a statement identifying the month in the Delayed Billing field.
Select a statement about Backorder that applies to this purchase order and supplier.
Select a statement about how you would like Cataloging Services provided by the supplier.
To enter invoicing information
Enter the number of Copies of the invoice that you want the supplier to send.
Select a statement about Sequencing that applies to this supplier's invoicing.
Select the Delivery Method you prefer for the invoice.
You can schedule claim notices to be sent to the supplier for purchase orders that are not received as expected. The Claims view in the Purchase Order workform allows you to fine-tune claims information.
To enter claims information
Enter the number of Max Claims your library will submit to the supplier before canceling an ordered item. You can enter any number from 1 through 5. The fields in the Claim Waiting Period section becomes editable.
Enter the number of Days After Release/Expected Arrival, or the number of days between the time a staff member releases the purchase order line item to the time Leap generates the first claim.
Enter the number of days between each subsequent claim.
Select Cancel Notice to generate a cancellation notice.
Select Auto Cancel Waiting Period to enter the number of days to wait before canceling purchase order line items automatically after the claim cycle is over.
Select Claim Notice to immediately generate a claim notice.
Select SAVE.