Serial Holdings Record

You can use Leap to manage the Serial Holdings Record (SHR). A serial holding record is one record for all the serials or parts you receive in one series.

For the permissions required to manage SHRs, search the Polaris staff client help for "Serials Workflow Permissions."

To get to the Serial Holdings Record workform

  1. Go to Utilities > Serials Check In.

  2. Search for the title of the serial or standing order part and select the title in the search results. The Serials Check In workform or the Standing Order workform opens.

  3. In the Serials Check In workform header, or the Standing Order workform, select the linked Serial holdings record ID.

    The Serial Holdings Record workform appears.

You can use the Serial Holdings Record workform to manage the serial and its issues or parts as a whole. From the Serial Holdings Record workform you can do the following: