Read and Enter Serial Holdings Record Notes
The Notes tab of the Serial Holdings Record workform gives you the ability to leave notes for patrons and library staff, and to read the notes left by other staff members. You can enter the following types of notes in the Notes view:
Electronic Access Notes
For electronically delivered subscriptions, type a Listserv, URL, or email address used to manage online electronic journal subscriptions or standing orders. Only library staff can read this note.
Shared Public Notes
Enter notes that display in the Polaris PowerPAC. You can type up to 4,000 characters in the Shared public note box. Enter line breaks where you want the text to break in the Polaris PowerPAC. Patrons and library staff can read this note.
For more information, search the Polaris staff client help for "Enter public notes for a serial holdings record."
Non-public Notes
Enter a free-text note about special processing required for a title in this series. Only library staff can read this note and it appears in the Serials Check In workform.
Non-public/Warning Notes
Enter a free-text note about special attention that you want given to this title. Only library staff can read this note and it appears in the Serials Check In workform.
Next, view and enter details about Orders.