Record Set Workforms

All record set workforms contain similar header elements and a table listing the records in the set. You can select a record in the list to open it.

Record sets are displayed in the following workforms:

Record Set Workform Header

All record set workforms contain the following elements:

The additional ACTION options depend on the type of record set.

Record Set Workform Table View

The table view of the record set workform lists the records in the record set. You can select a record in the list to open the record. If a record set is large, the table view lists a portion of the records, and at the bottom of the table, a count indicates the number of records displayed out of the total number of records in the record set. You can select MORE to load more records to the table display.

Above the list are the following elements:

Bibliographic Record Set Workform

In addition to the options Delete , Undelete, and Export, the ACTIONS menu in the Bibliographic Record Set workform header includes the following options to create record sets of linked records: Create Item Record Set and Create Authority Record Set.

On the Bibliographic Record Set workform, the bibliographic records are listed in the following columns:

Bibliographic Record Set workform.

Item Record Set Workform

In addition to the options Export, Delete, and Undelete that are available for all record set types, the ACTIONS menu in the Item Record Set workform header includes the following additional options:

On the Item Record Set workform, item records are listed in the following columns:

Item Record Set workform.

Authority Record Set Workform

In addition to the options Export, Delete, and Undelete, the ACTIONS menu in the Authority Record Set workform header includes the following option to create a record set of linked records: Create Bibliographic Record Set.

On the Authority Record Set workform, authority records are listed in the following columns:

Authority Record Set workform.

Patron Record Set Workform

In addition to the options Export, Delete, and Undelete, the ACTIONS menu in the Patron Record Set workform header includes the following option to create a record set of linked records: Create Item Record Set.

On the Patron Record Set workform, patron records are listed in the following columns:

Patron Record Set workform.