ILL Request Workform

The ILL Request workform displays information for an interlibrary loan request. The following Circulation permissions granted for the pickup branch are required to access and modify ILL requests:

When an ILL request is open and another user tries to open the same ILL request, the following message appears: The record is being modified by [username]. The ILL Request workform opens in read-only mode with a lock icon indicating the locked condition. You can select the lock icon to see the username for the staff member who has the ILL request open.

The ILL workform contains header information, including a Properties window, and the following views: Details, Notes, Satisfied By.

From the ILL Request workform, you can:

ILL Workform Header and Properties Window

The ILL Request workform header includes the following information:

Hover over or select to open the ILL REQUEST PROPERTIES window that displays the following information:

ILL Workform - Details View

On the details view of the ILL request the following elements are be editable:

The following bibliographic elements can be edited only for ILL requests with an Inactive status:

The Return uncirculated checkbox appears only when the ILL request is linked to an INN-Reach request.

ILL Workform - Notes View

This view includes staff notes and PAC display notes.

You can edit the following fields on the Notes view:

ILL Workform - Satisfied By View

This view displays the item that fills the hold request and is bound to it. This is the item that is received during the ILL process.

You can select the row to open the Item Record workform.