Serials Check In Workform

You can use Leap to check in serials, check in parts of standing orders, and predict the next group of issues or parts.

For the permissions needed to check in serials and standing order parts, search the Polaris online help for "Serials Workflow Permissions."

You can check in any issue or part that has a status other than Received, such as:

  • Expected
  • Pending Claim
  • Claimed
  • Not Available
  • Never Published

To access the Serials Check In workform

  1. Go to Utilities > Serials Check In.

    The serials Find Tool opens.
  2. In the Find Tool, type the title of a serial.
  3. Select a result, and select Open.
    The Serials Check In workform opens.

From the Serials Check In workform, you can do any of the following: