Serial Claims Data Library

The serial claims data library defines the elements you can use to create custom serial claim print templates. These templates are created in a third-party application (such as Jaspersoft Studio) for use when printing serial claims. See Creating Customized Print Templates for more information.

The table below describes each element in the serial claims data library, as well as the data source for each element.

Element Name Description Data Source
AccountNumber The vendor account number. The ACCTNUM field from the vendor record. The vendor record is derived from the VENDOR field from the first checkin record on the serials claim.
Author The author of the serial to be claimed.1 The AUTHOR field in the bibliographic record.
BibNumber The bibliographic record number. The record number in the bibliographic record linked to the checkin record.
CheckinNum Checkin record number for the claim. The serial-claims-awaiting-processing file.
CityOfPublication The place of publication for the serial to be claimed.1 Subfield 'a' of the PUB INFO field in the bibliographic record.
ClaimDate The date the serial claim is printed.2 Generated during serial claim printing.
ClaimDateDisplay The date the serial claim is printed.2 Generated during serial claim printing.
Edition The edition of the serial to be claimed.1 The EDITION field in the bibliographic record.
Identity A free text note used to distinguish between checkin records (e.g., one record for paper copy, one for microfilm).1 The IDENTITY field in the checkin record.
InternalNote A free-text note.1 The INT NOTE field in the checkin record.
ISSN The ISSN for the serial to be claimed. The STANDARD # field in the bibliographic record.
IssueChronology The chronology for the issue being claimed. The serial-claims-awaiting-processing file.
IssueClaimNote Note entered by the user when the issue was added to the claim queue. The serial-claims-awaiting-processing file.
IssueClaimNumber The number of times the issue has been claimed (including the current claim). The serial-claims-awaiting-processing file.
IssueCopyNumber The copy number being claimed. The serial-claims-awaiting-processing file.
IssueEnumeration The enumeration for the issue being claimed. The serial-claims-awaiting-processing file.
LineNum A line numbers column for the serials on the claim letter. Generated during serial claim printing.
OrderNum The order record number linked to the checkin number for the serial to be claimed. The serial-claims-awaiting-processing file.
ProductIDType Not currently used at this time. N/A
Publisher The publisher of the serial to be claimed.1 If MARC, subfieldbof thePUB INFO field in the bibliographic record. If non-MARC, the system uses the entire PUB INFO field.
Scode1 Library-defined code.1 The one-digit code from the SCODE1 field in the checkin record.
Scode2 Library-defined code.1 The one-digit code from the SCODE2 field in the checkin record.
Scode3 Library-defined code.1 The one-digit code from the SCODE3 field in the checkin record.
Scode4 Library-defined code.1 The one-digit code from the SCODE4 field in the checkin record.
SellerAddress The vendor's address to which the claim is sent. The ADDRESS1 field in the vendor record. The vendor record is derived from the VENDOR field from the first checkin record on the serials claim.
SeriesTitle The series name.1 The SERIES field in the bibliographic record.


The receiving location (ship-to address) for your library. The address associated with the code in the RLOC field of the first checkin record on the claim.
ShipToName The name associated with the receiving location specified in the ShipToAddress element above (for example, Periodicals Department). The definition associated with the code in the RLOC field of the first checkin record on the claim.
Title The title of the serial to be claimed.1 The TITLE field in the bibliographic record.
TitleDescription A collection of data elements that forms the line item level information on the serial claim letter.1 The system looks at the value of the Fields to print on Serials Issue Claim form Serials Option to determine which data elements to include in the Title/Description element.
VendorNote Free text note for vendor correspondence.1 The VEN NOTE field in the checkin record.
VendorTitleNumber The vendor's identification for the title. The VEN TITL # field in the checkin record.

1If you use the TitleDescription element, avoid using these elements to prevent duplicate information from printing on the serial claim letter. When you use the TitleDescription element, the system uses the settings in the Fields to print on Serials Issue Claim form Serials Option (specifically, the elements specified in the 1 > Top section of single claim or Title/Descrip of multi-title claim section of this option) to determine what data prints for each line item.

2The ClaimDate and ClaimDateDisplay elements use the same information. Innovative strongly recommends using the ClaimDateDisplay element, which automatically formats the date correctly using your library's date format.

See also:
Print Template Data Libraries
Printing with Print Templates
Administering Print Templates Settings