Purchase Order Data Library
The purchase order data library defines the elements you can use to create custom purchase order print templates. These templates are created in a third-party application (such as Jaspersoft Studio) for use when printing purchase orders. See Creating Customized Print Templates for more information.
The table below describes each element in the purchase order data library, as well as the data source for each element.
Element Name | Description | Data Source |
AcctNum | The vendor's account number. | The ACCTNUM field in the vendor record. The system uses the vendor associated with the first order record on the purchase order. |
Amount | The amount of the order.1 | The EPRICE field in the order record. |
Author | Author of the item ordered.2 | The AUTHOR field in the bibliographic record. |
BibNumber | The bibliographic record number. | The record number in the bibliographic record. |
BillToAddress | The address of the billing location (bill-to address). | The BLOC field from the first order record on the purchase order. |
BillToName | The name of the billing location for the bill-to address. | The BLOC field from the first order record on the purchase order. |
CityOfPublication | The place of publication for the item ordered.2 | Subfieldaof thePUB INFO field in the bibliographic record. |
CopyDetailQuantity | A list of the receiving locations for the order and the corresponding number of copies for each location. This element is used to accommodate orders for multiple copies with different receiving locations.4 | The LOCATIONS field in the order record. |
Currency | The currency symbol corresponding to the Amount element above. This element also controls the currency format (e.g. currency separators).1 | The library's currency format or, if the order is in a foreign currency, the currency from the Foreign Currency table. |
DeliverToLocation | A code in the vendor record used to determine what information is included at the subline level. This element is used to accommodate orders for multiple copies with different receiving locations.4 | The GIR CODE field in the vendor record. |
DisplayEPrice | The amount of order and the corresponding currency symbol.1 | The EPRICE field in the order record. The format is controlled by the library's currency format or, if the order is in a foreign currency, the Foreign Currency table. |
Edition | The edition of the item ordered.2 | The EDITION field in the bibliographic record. |
Form | The physical form of the item ordered.2 | The FORM field in the order record. |
FundCopies | The fund code(s) and the number of copies for each fund code in the order. This information matches the information in the LocationCopies element (i.e., the first fund listed here matches the first location listed in LocationCopies). | If there is only one fund for the order, the FUND and COPIES fixed-length fields. If there are multiple funds for the order, the FUNDS variable-length field. |
Identity | A free-text note used to distinguish between order records.2 | The IDENTITY field in the order record. |
ISBN | The ISBN for the item ordered. | The PO INFO field in the order record. If there is no ISBN in this field, the system looks in the STANDARD # field in the attached bibliographic record. |
LibSAN | The library's Standard Address Number (SAN). | Library SAN File. |
LineNum | A line numbers column for the ordered items on the purchase order. | Generated during purchase order printing. |
LineTotalAmount | The total for each line item (unit price times the number of copies). | Generated during purchase order printing. |
LocationCopies | The location code(s) and the number of copies for each location code in the order. This information matches the information in the FundCopies element (i.e., the first location listed here matches the first fund listed in FundCopies). | If there is only one location for the order, the LOCATION and COPIES fixed-length fields. If there are multiple locations for the order, the LOCATIONS variable-length field. |
NumberOfLines | A count of the total number of line items in the purchase order. | Generated during purchase order printing. |
OrderDate | The date the purchase order is printed.3 | Generated during purchase order printing. |
OrderDateDisplay | The date the purchase order is printed.3 | Generated during purchase order printing. |
OrderNotes | Free text note for vendor order information.2 | The VEN NOTE field in the order record. |
OrderNum | The order record number. | The record number in the order record. |
OrderPriorityCode | Note at the line item level that prints on the purchase order.2 | The ORD NOTE field in the order record. |
OrderTotalAmount | The total amount of the order. The amount displays in the library's chosen currency with the currency symbol. If the orders uses a foreign currency, the amount displays in that currency along with the corresponding currency symbol. | Generated during purchase order printing. |
OrderType | The type of order (e.g., firm order, approval, etc.).2 | The ORD TYPE field in the order record. |
OrderTypeCode | Not used at this time. | N/A |
PONumber | The blanket purchase order number for the order. If there is no blanket PO number, this element is left blank. | BLANKET PO field in the order record. |
PriceQualifierCode | Not used at this time. | N/A |
ProductIDType | Not used at this time. | N/A |
Publisher | The publisher of the item ordered.2 | If MARC, subfieldbof thePUB INFO field in the bibliographic record. If non-MARC, the system uses the entire PUB INFO field. |
PurposeCode | Not used at this time. | N/A |
ReferenceDate | The date the order was created. | The ODATE field in the order record. |
Qty | The quantity ordered. | The COPIES field in the order record. |
SellerAddress | The vendor's address. | The VEN ADDR field in the first order record of the purchase order. If this field does not contain a value, the system uses the ADDRESS1 field from the vendor record associated with the first order record on the purchase order. |
SellerPartyID | The vendor's Standard Address Number (SAN). Note that the vendor SAN is not normally used in printing purchase orders. | The NOTE3 field from the vendor record associated with the first order record on the purchase order. |
SeriesTitle | The series name.2 | The SERIES field in the bibliographic record. |
ShipToAddress | The address of the receiving location to which the vendor should ship the ordered items. | The RLOC field from the first order record on the purchase order. |
ShipToName | The name of the receiving location to which the vendor should ship the ordered items. | The RLOC field from the first order record on the purchase order. |
SubLineNumber | A sequence number starting at 1. The system uses this number when there are multiple sublines for one or more of the line items. These sublines are used to accommodate orders for multiple copies with different receiving locations.4 | Generated during purchase order printing. |
Title | The title of the item ordered.2 | The TITLE field in the bibliographic record. |
TitleDescription | A collection of data elements that forms the line item level information on the purchase order.2 | The system looks at the value of the Fields to print on Purchase Order form Acquisitions Options to determine which data elements to include in the Title/Description element. |
UnitsOrdered | A count of the number of copies ordered across all line items. | Generated during purchase order printing. |
VendMesg | Brief messages associated with the vendor. | The VENDOR MSG field from the vendor record associated with the first order record on the purchase order. |
VendorsOrderLineNumber | The vendor's title number for this title. | The VEN TITL # field in the order record. |
VolumeOrPart | Volume number for the series (see the SeriesTitle element above).2 | Subfieldvof theSERIES field in the bibliographic record. |
YearOfPublication | The year the ordered item was published.2 | Subfieldcof thePUB INFO field in the bibliographic record. |
1The Amount and Currency elements used together display the same information as the DisplayEPrice element. Innovative strongly recommends using the DisplayEPrice element instead of the Amount and Currency elements because the DisplayEprice element automatically formats the data on the purchase order.
2If you use the TitleDescription element, avoid using these elements to prevent duplicate information from printing on the purchase order. When you use the TitleDescription element, the system uses the settings in the Fields to print on Purchase Order form Acquisitions Option (specifically, the elements specified in the 1 > Top section or Title/Description of multi-title (Bibliographic data) section of this option) to determine what data prints for each line item.
3The OrderDate and OrderDateDisplay elements use the same information. Innovative strongly recommends using the OrderDateDisplay element, which automatically formats the date correctly using your library's date format.
4The SublineNumber, CopyDetailQuantity, and DeliverToLocation elements should be used only if you want subline information to appear on the purchase order. The subline information is used to accommodate orders for multiple copies with different receiving locations. Note that the GIR CODE field in the vendor record must contain a value of either '2' or '4' to send information for multiple receiving addresses. For further information on the GIR code, see Preparing for Electronic Ordering.
If you include the CopyDetailQuantity element in the purchase order template, do not include the Qty element. Otherwise, duplicate information might appear on the purchase order.