Printing Purchase Orders

To print purchase orders, you must be assigned permission 075 (Prt/Send PO). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can print purchase orders at any time after queuing them. The fields that print on the purchase order are defined in the Fields to print on Purchase Order form Acquisitions Option. Your library can also use Print Templates to create customized purchase orders. See the Purchase Order Data Library for a list of elements that can be used when creating customized purchase order print templates.

Printing Purchase Orders

To print purchase orders:

  1. Choose Print/Send Orders from the Function drop-down list. The system defaults to the x purchase orders to PRINT option in the pull-down menu, so the current list of purchase orders to print displays.
  2. To limit the printing and display of purchase orders, choose Limit by Location or Limit by Vendor. You also can sort the purchase orders in the table by double-clicking a column header. Note that this sorts the display only and does not affect the sequence of printing purchase orders.
  3. To edit an order record, select its row and choose Edit from the toolbar. You can also permanently delete purchase orders from the orders file by selecting the appropriate rows and choosing Delete from the toolbar.
  4. To sort the orders and affect the printing sequence, choose Sort All. See Setting Up Printing Sequence of Purchase Orders below.
  5. To select specific purchase orders for printing, check the box for each purchase order you want to print.
  6. To print one or more of the purchase orders, choose PO Print.
  7. The Print Setup dialog box appears. Here you can:
    • Align the paper if you are using a tractor feed printer. Choose Align Paper and then choose the Print button. The printer prints a test page, and the system prompts you to determine if the paper was aligned. You then have three options: choose Cancel to cancel the whole printing process; choose No to reprint the test page and respond to the Paper Aligned? question again; choose Yes to return to the Print Setup dialog box.
    • Choose whether to print all the purchase orders, or those you selected from the list.
    • Enter the number of copies you want to print for each purchase order.
  8. When you are ready, choose the Print button on the Print Setup dialog box to begin printing. A progress dialog box appears while the orders are being printed. Select Cancel on this dialog box to cancel printing all of the orders. Note that if you are printing relatively few orders, the dialog box may not appear long enough for you to cancel.

Setting Up Printing Sequence of Purchase Orders

Using the Sort All feature, you can change the printing order of purchase orders according to particular variable- and fixed-length fields in the order or bibliographic record.


If you have enabled a multiple-title purchase orders format and/or the blanket purchase orders feature, the system controls the primary sort order during purchase order printing. Any sorting you choose with this feature is applied secondarily. For further information, see the Printing Purchase Orders Using the Multiple Title Format section below.

To sort the purchase orders:
  1. Choose the Sort All button.
  2. From the Sortorders dialog, click Append to create a row in the Sorting Fields table.
  3. Double-click the Type box to select either order or bibliographic records from the Select dialog.
  4. Double-click In the adjacent Field box. The system displays a dialog box containing the variable- or fixed-length field options available for the record type you chose.
  5. Select a field from the Data Fields tab.

To specify more sort parameters, you can select Append to add more rows to the Sorting Fields table, or Insert to add rows between existing rows. To remove rows, select the row and then choose Delete.

  1. Choose Sort/Save to arrange the order in which your purchase orders will print according to the sort parameters you specified, or choose Cancel to exit from the sort function.

After you begin to sort the purchase orders for printing, you cannot cancel the process. Until the sort is completed, you cannot execute any function. Even if you leave the current function or terminate your Sierra session, the process will continue in the background and the sorted purchase orders will be available to you when you return to print them. The status bar displays a message after the sort has been completed.

Printing Multiple-Title Purchase Orders

Sierra enables you to print multiple titles on a single purchase order in one of the following ways.

The manner in which the titles are grouped on each purchase order depends on whether you have the blanket purchase order functionality enabled and whether you are using Print Templates.

multiple titles format only
All orders with the same vendor are printed on the same purchase order. If you are using Print Templates, orders in different currencies are printed on separate purchase orders, even if they are for the same vendor.
multiple titles format with blanket purchase orders
All orders with the same blanket order number and vendor are printed on the same purchase order. This grouping method means that orders being sent to the same vendor are not printed on the purchase order if they have different blanket order numbers. If there are orders with the same blanket order number but different vendors, the system prints a different purchase order for each vendor.

If you are using Print Templates, orders must also use the same currency to be grouped on the same purchase order. Orders with different currencies are printed on different purchase orders, even if they have the same vendor and blanket purchase order number.
See also:
Electronic Ordering Overview
Preparing for Electronic Ordering
Printing Claims and Cancellations