Printing Claims and Cancellations

To print claims and cancellations, you must be assigned permission 149 (Send Claims). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can print claims and cancellations at any time after queueing them to print. If your site has enabled it, you can use Print Templates to print claims, cancellations, or both. Print templates enable you to print multiple titles on a single claim or cancellation form. Note that the system groups claims and cancellations differently when using print templates.

When you print claims and cancellations, Sierra updates the order records that you initiated when you claimed or cancelled the order. Note that you must also post the session to which you added a cancellation before the cancellation is added to the order record.

To print claims and cancellations:

  1. Choose Print Claims from the Function drop-down list. The current list of claims and cancellations to print displays.
  2. You can limit the list of claims and cancellations or sort the list by performing one or more of the actions below.
    • You can limit the list by choosing the Limit by Location or Limit by Vendor button.
    • You can sort the list by double-clicking on any column header in the table.
    • You can sort the list by parameters other than those in the column headers by choosing Sort All. The resulting dialog box allows you to choose one or more fields from the bibliographic and order records as sorting criteria.
    • You can choose specific claims and cancellations for printing by selecting the row for each entry in the list you want to print.

When you limit the list, the system prints only the remaining entries displaying in the queue. Sorting the list affects the order in which Sierra prints the claims and cancellations. See Print Sequence of Claims and Cancellations for more information.

  1. To print one or more of the claims or cancellation notices, choose the Claim Print button.
  2. Choose your Print Setup options. These options differ depending on whether you are using print templates, as follows.
    Print Templates
    Choose whether you want to print all the claims and cancellations or only print those which you selected.
    Without Print Templates
    Choose the following:
    • (Optional) If you are using a tractor feed printer, you can align the paper. Choose Align Paper and then choose Print. The printer prints a test page, and Sierra prompts you to determine if the paper was aligned. Choose Cancel to cancel the printing process; choose No to reprint the test page and respond to the Paper Aligned? question again; choose Yes to return to the Print Setup dialog box.
    • Whether you want to print all the claims and cancellations or print only those which you selected. The Print selected option is available only if you selected specific claims and cancellations from the list.
    • The number of copies you want to print.
    • Whether you want to print "CLAIM" or "CANCEL" across the form.

    If you are using a combination of print templates and standard form printing for claims and cancellations, Sierra prompts you with a separate dialog box for each.

  3. After selecting your print options, choose Print. If the claims and cancellations printed correctly, choose Yes when prompted. Otherwise, choose No to return to the list. If you choose No, Sierra does not clear the list or update the order records.
Posting Cancelled Orders

For cancelled orders, complete the cancellation process in the Pay an Invoice function by posting the session to which the cancellation was written.

Using the Sort All Feature

Using the Sort All feature, you can change the printing order of claims and cancellations according to particular variable- and fixed-length fields in the order and bibliographic record.


If you using print templates, the system controls the grouping of entries in the print queue. Any sorting you choose with this feature is applied secondarily. For further information, see the Print Sequence of Claims and Cancellations section below.

To sort the claims and cancellations:

  1. Choose the Sort All button.
  2. From the Sortorders dialog, click Append to create a row in the Sorting Fields table.
  3. Double-click the Type field to select either order or bibliographic records from the Select dialog.
  4. Double-click the Field field. From the resulting dialog box, select a variable- or fixed-length field for the record type you chose.
  5. Select a field from the Data Fields tab.

To specify more sort parameters, you can select Append to add more rows to the Sorting Fields table, or Insert to add rows between existing rows. To remove rows, select the row and then choose Delete.

  1. Choose Sort/Save to arrange the order claims and cancellation print queue according to the sort parameters you specified, or choose Cancel to exit from the sort function.

Print Sequence of Claims and Cancellations

Using print templates causes claims and cancellations to be grouped differently during printing.

With Print Templates
When you use print templates, Sierra prints claims first, and then cancellations. The system prints all claims or cancellations with the same vendor on the same form. If your library has enabled blanket purchase orders, claims and cancellations must have the same blanket purchase order and vendor to print on the same form. This grouping method means that claims or cancellations being sent to the same vendor are not printed on the same form if they have different blanket order numbers. Any sorting you chose during the print process is applied secondarily.
Without Print Templates
If you are not using print templates for claim and cancellations, the system does not print claims and cancellations separately, nor does it group claims or cancellations by vendor or blanket purchase order number. The system prints all claims and cancellations in the queue in the order in which you sorted them.
See also:
Claiming and Cancelling Orders
Claiming or Cancelling a Specific Order
Searching for Claimable Records
Claiming All Orders
Cancelling Orders upon Notification
Claims/cancellations printing format