Claiming or Cancelling a Specific Order

To claim or cancel orders, you must be assigned permission 148 (Claim/Cancel Orders). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

To claim or cancel a specific order:

  1. Choose Claim/Cancel Orders from the Function drop-down list. If you have an order record displaying in a different function, choose Tools | Function | Claim/Cancel.
  2. If the "Browse" display is not showing, choose Tools | Search | Browse.
  3. Search for the order record. When the record displays, it is in view-only mode.
  4. Choose one of the following:
    To queue a claim letter for the record, choose the Claim button. The order record is not updated until you print the claim letter.
    Update Claim
    To claim the order without queuing a claim letter, choose the Update Claim button. If the record is claimable, Sierra updates the order record immediately.
    To cancel the order, choose the Cancel button. The order record is not updated until you print the cancellation letter and then post the session to which the cancellation was written.
    If your library has the Bibliographic Suppression upon Cancellation feature enabled, Sierra asks if you want to suppress the bibliographic record when the order is the only attached record. Choose Yes to suppress the bibliographic record or No to return to the order record display without suppressing the bibliographic record.

Sierra warns you if the record cannot be claimed or cancelled.


The order record remains busy until you print the claim/cancellation letter, and in the case of cancellations, post the session which contains the cancellation.

See also:
Claiming and Cancelling Orders
Searching for Claimable Records
Claiming All Orders
Cancelling Orders upon Notification
Printing Claims and Cancellations