Volume Record Display

To view volume records, you must be assigned at least one of the following permissions:

  • 781 (View Volume Records)
  • 782 (Create Volume Records)
  • 784 (Update Volume Records)
  • 785 (Delete Volume Records)

See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

When you view or edit a volume record, Sierra displays the volume in the bibliographic information Record tab. Volume record variable-length fields appear in the lower portion of the window. For more information about variable-length fields in volume records, see Variable-length Fields in Volume Records. Volume records have no user-editable fixed-length fields.

The volume record display includes the volume statement and a list of items attached to the volume record.

Volume-Level Holds Tab

Below the Record tab, Sierra displays the Volume-Level Holds tab. This tab shows the volume-level hold queue for the volume record (see Viewing Hold Queues). Sierra displays the number of holds in the tab's title. On this tab, you can do the following:

See also:
Bibliographic Record Display
Maintaining Records
Opening Records in the Sierra Editor
Record Displays
Retrieving Volume Records