Modifying Holds within a Hold Queue

To use the Search/Holds function, you must be assigned permission 101 (View bibliographic records). To view or modify a hold queue, you must be assigned permission 45 (Holds management).

To modify one or more of the holds in a bibliographic, volume, or item record's hold queue:

  1. Choose one of the following options from the Function list:
    • Binding
    • Catalog
    • Check In Bound
    • Claim/Cancel Orders
    • Claiming
    • Orders
    • Receive
    • Search/Holds
    • Serials Checkin
    • To Bindery
  2. View the hold queue for the bib, volume, or item.
  3. Select one or more of the holds in the queue.
  4. Choose the Modify Holds button. The system prompts you to modify the information for the hold(s) that you selected.