Modifying Hold Information

To modify hold information, you must be assigned permission 45 (Holds management). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can modify one or more holds using the Modify Hold dialog box.

To change hold information:

  1. Enter new information in the following text box(es) as appropriate.
    Pickup Location
    • If an item that fills this hold is on the holdshelf, the system prevents you from modifying the Pickup Location.
    • If the HOMEPICKUP element of the loan rule is set to 'y', the system automatically sets the hold's pickup location to match the owning location of the item that satisfies the hold, regardless of any attempts to modify the pickup location.
    Not Wanted Before
    • The Not Wanted Before date can be up to 180 days from the date the hold was placed. If the hold was placed more than 180 days before the current date, the Not Wanted Before date cannot be modified.
    • If an item that fills this hold is on the holdshelf or the patron has frozen the hold, the system prevents you from modifying the Not Wanted Before date.
    • If you enter a Not Wanted Before date in the future for a hold that is already in the paging process, the system does not take the date modification into account and continues to page for the item.
    Not Wanted After
    • If an item that fills this hold is on the holdshelf, the system prevents you from modifying the Not Wanted After date.
    • The system does not enable you to set a Not Wanted After date that falls before the hold's Not Wanted Before date.
    Hold Note
    If an item that fills this hold is on the holdshelf, the system prevents you from modifying the hold note.
    Pick Up By
    • If an item that fills this hold is on the holdshelf and the Change Pickup Date feature is enabled, you can modify the Pick Up By date. The system prevents you from modifying the pickup date if an item that fills the hold is not on the holdshelf.
    • If the Pick Up By text box does not contain a date, the system prevents you from adding a date.
  2. Click OK. The system:
    • Prompts you to modify the next hold in the list if you are modifying multiple holds individually in the Holds tab.
    • Displays a results dialog containing information about any hold(s) that the system was not able to modify.
See also:
Entering Item-level Hold Information
Entering Title-level Hold Information