Fund Record Display

To view fund records in the Funds function, you must be assigned permission 85 (Fund file maintenance). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The funds table displays either fund names or fund codes in the first column depending on your login manager's setting for the Use the fund name instead of code in the fund hierarchy display option in the Setup tab. In Sierra 5.5. and later, you can toggle between the two by right-clicking the column header and selecting a new value.

When you enter the Funds function, the system displays a tree of funds and fund hierarchies in the left frame and a table containing your library's current funds on the Funds tab in the right frame. For example:

Funds Function

When you select a fund, the system displays the fund record on the Fund tab in the right frame. The fund record display includes fixed-length fields in the top portion of the record, and the variable-length fields in the bottom portion. For example:

Fund display in the Funds function

In addition to the Fund tab, you can choose from the following tabs:

Pie Chart
Displays a pie chart of the relative percentages of each fund's appropriations, expenditures, or encumbrances for that fund.
Bar Chart
Displays a bar chart of the relative percentages of each fund's appropriations, expenditures, or encumbrances for that fund.
Generates a Fund Activity Report for that fund.
Displays a financial report for that fund.

Fund Tree Display

You can expand or collapse the tree of funds by clicking on the symbol to the left of each folder (group). The fund tree's preexisting groups include:

Current Funds
Lists all the current funds in your system.
Contains a folder for each customized groups of funds.
Old Funds
Lists all the funds on your system at the time of the last fiscal close.
Old Hierarchies
Lists all the groups of funds on your system at the time of the last fiscal close.

The Temp folder can also be present in the top level of folders. This folder is created when you create a quick list of funds used for comparing funds or when you find funds that match your criteria.

See also:
Retrieving Fund Records
Creating Fund Records
Viewing data for a Fund or Group of Funds
Graphing or Charting a Fund or Group of Funds
Grouping Funds
Comparing Funds